Фінальний палеоліт та мезоліт Київського Полісся
Залізняк, Леонід
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Стаття присвячена природно-кліматичним та
культурно-історичним процесам, що мали місце в
Київському Поліссі наприкінці льодовикової доби та
на початку післяльодовиків’я 13-7 тис. років тому.
Polissyan lowland is a part of the natural landscape
zones of Great European lowlands stretching from the
Thames through the Oder and Vistula basins to the Pripyat
and Desna rivers. It was decisive factor for ethno -
cultural processes of North Western Ukraine, including
Kyivan Polissya, starting from the late glacial period.
For the last 12 millenia the Prypyat Polissya (including
the north of Kyiv region) have been developed under the
strong influence of migration flows from the west of the
Baltic region and Central Europe. Archaeologists have
studied not less than 15 migration flows, that went for the last 12 millenia from west to Polissya, Volhynia and
Subcarpathia. Nearly all archaeological cultures of the
Prypyat basin, starting from the Final Paleolithic till
the Middle Ages included, were of the western origin or
connected genetically with the western neighbors. On
that basis the current north western or Baltic cultural -
historical province of Ukraine (Polissya, Volhynia and
Subcarpathia) during primitive and early historical periods
in whole was being developed under strong western
There were two waves of the reindeer hunters, the
carriers of Hamburg and Lyngby cultures, which
came from the Western Baltic to Polissya in the late
glacial era. According to the Lyngby tradition, 11 millenia
ago Krasnosillya and Swider cultures of the
reindeer hunters in the Upper Vistula and Pripyat
were formed. The fast warming 10 millenia ago made
the Swider people migrate to the north of East Europe,
following reindeer. That territory they occupied
during the 8th millennium BC. The descendants of
Polissyan migrants took part later in Finno Ugric
peoples’ forming in Eastern European taiga zone. Forest hunters of Kudlaivka (8th—7th mill. BC) and
later Yanislavitsa (6th-5th mill. BC) cultures replaiced
Swider reindeer hunters in the Early Mesolithic. Kyivan
Polissya neolithization began in the 2nd half of the 6th millennium
BC with the coming of the Bug-Dniester Neolithic
culture carriers from the Southern Bug basin with
their Kukrek-type flint and Samchensky-type ceramics.
Such objects are Lazarivka-type sites of Kyivan region.
The Dnipro-Donets Neolithic culture with its comb
ornament ceramic resulted from the newcamers’ with
Yanislavitsa locals’ cultural tradition synthesis in the
early 5th mill. BC in Kyivan Dnieper region.
льодовик, фінальний палеоліт, мезоліт, культури Свідер, Красносілля, Кудлаївка, Яніславиці, Final Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Krasnosillya, Kudlaivka, Yanislavitsa cultures, стаття
Залізняк Леонід Львович. Фінальний палеоліт та мезоліт Київського Полісся / Залізняк Л. Л. // Археологія і давня історія України. - 2016. - Вип. 3 (20). - С. 9-23.