The Role and Prospects of the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Credit Activities OF Banking Institutions

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Dubyna, Maksym
Bazilinska, Olena
Panchenko, Olena
Sadchykova, Iryna
Kozlianchenko, Alona
Tarasenko, Artem
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Digitization of economic relations contributed to significant transformations in the market of financial services. Today, financial institutions actively use digital technologies in their own activities to improve work efficiency. Artificial intelligence is a technology that banks and other credit institutions are gradually using in their own work. This determines the urgency of researching new possibilities of using artificial intelligence in credit activities, primarily of banking institutions. The article uses the methodology of economic research for research. In particular, methods of content analysis, observation, abstraction, analysis and synthesis. As a result, promising directions for the use of artificial intelligence technology in the credit activity of banking institutions were determined, which was implemented on the basis of the analysis of specific features of such activity, the specification of the essence of the specified technology and the identification of its basic characteristics. As a result, it was established that the technology of artificial intelligence has a significant potential for use in the provision of credit services by banking institutions to various types of clients. It was also found that these institutions are already actively using the capabilities of this technology, but to a limited extent, which is due to a number of institutional restrictions and the imperfection of the technology itself. However, current trends show that in the future such obstacles will gradually disappear and the use of artificial intelligence by banking institutions will only expand.
artificial intelligence, banking institution, banking risks, banking system, credit activity, financial institution, nonbank credit institutions, article
The Role and Prospects of the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Credit Activities OF Banking Institutions / Maksym Dubyna, Olena Bazilinska, Olena Panchenko, Iryna Sadchykova, Alona Kozlianchenko, Artem Tarasenko // Review of Economics and Finance. - 2023. - Vol. 21. - Р. 2042-2051. -