Терени центру Скіфії (від Солохи до Чортомлика)
Болтрик, Юрій
Окатенко, Віталій
Тощев, Генадій
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Статтю присвячено просторовій характеристиці двох найбільших городищ Східноєвропейського
степу - Капулівського і Кам’янського, та поселень з
їх оточення. Ці дві потужні структури біля зручних
бродів переправ Нижнього Дніпра, утворювали головне ядро скіфської держави VIII cт. до н. е., в якому
Капулівське городище відігравало функції столиці, а
Кам’янське було його економічним партнером.
Важливість цієї зони підкреслюють скупчення
курганів та могильників, розміщені по різних берегах. За допомогою безпілотного літального апарату, разом з іншими об’єктами лівобережжя, з
повітря було відзнято поселення майстрів на схилах Сорокіної балки, час існування якого (все IV cт.
до н. е.) фіксують знахідки монет міст Північного
Понту, Мармурового моря та Македонії.
This article is devoted to the extensive description of the environment of the two largest settlement structures of the Eastern European steppes - the Kapuliv and Kamyanka which date V-III centuries BC. These two powerful settlements appeared on the opposite banks near the ancient crossings through the Dnipro. They formed the main core of the Scythian state, in which Kapuliv served as the capital and Kamyanka was its economic partner. Intense life here has arisen from the time of Ariapet’s rule to the life of the descendants of King Ateus. The Scythians chose the best place in the Pontic steppe, where in the zone of floodplain meadows and forests there were numerous straits with lakes surrounded by magnificent pastures. Therefore, along with these two main settlements, on the banks and partly in the floodplain, there were many settlements of the second order. The importance of this zone is emphasized by the accumulation of kurhans and graveyards placed almost symmetrically on different shores. In the immediate surrounding of the settlements there are almost equal in importance burial mounds of the ordinary population. Among them are the burial ground near the village Kut, the Nikopol mound field and the burial ground of Mamay-Gora. The last one is the largest in the Eastern Europe in terms of the number of excavated burials. This graveyard is unique due to five large kurhans, located in one line: three long kurhans and two round in plan. It is possible that there was a general Scythian cult center. Further from the Dnipro there were burial memorials of representatives of the higher social stage, among which were the largest burial mounds of Scythia - Solokha and Chortomlyk. There is a noteworthy mound alley (1.6 km long), which retreated to the west of the Solokha kurhan and turned slightly to the north, where it probably connected with a part of another smaller kurhan alley. Not far from a smaller alley there was the recently opened manufacturing settlement Sorokina Balka. The time of its existence (all IV BC) is recorded by the findings of the coins of the cities of the North Pontus, the Marmara Sea and Macedonia.
This article is devoted to the extensive description of the environment of the two largest settlement structures of the Eastern European steppes - the Kapuliv and Kamyanka which date V-III centuries BC. These two powerful settlements appeared on the opposite banks near the ancient crossings through the Dnipro. They formed the main core of the Scythian state, in which Kapuliv served as the capital and Kamyanka was its economic partner. Intense life here has arisen from the time of Ariapet’s rule to the life of the descendants of King Ateus. The Scythians chose the best place in the Pontic steppe, where in the zone of floodplain meadows and forests there were numerous straits with lakes surrounded by magnificent pastures. Therefore, along with these two main settlements, on the banks and partly in the floodplain, there were many settlements of the second order. The importance of this zone is emphasized by the accumulation of kurhans and graveyards placed almost symmetrically on different shores. In the immediate surrounding of the settlements there are almost equal in importance burial mounds of the ordinary population. Among them are the burial ground near the village Kut, the Nikopol mound field and the burial ground of Mamay-Gora. The last one is the largest in the Eastern Europe in terms of the number of excavated burials. This graveyard is unique due to five large kurhans, located in one line: three long kurhans and two round in plan. It is possible that there was a general Scythian cult center. Further from the Dnipro there were burial memorials of representatives of the higher social stage, among which were the largest burial mounds of Scythia - Solokha and Chortomlyk. There is a noteworthy mound alley (1.6 km long), which retreated to the west of the Solokha kurhan and turned slightly to the north, where it probably connected with a part of another smaller kurhan alley. Not far from a smaller alley there was the recently opened manufacturing settlement Sorokina Balka. The time of its existence (all IV BC) is recorded by the findings of the coins of the cities of the North Pontus, the Marmara Sea and Macedonia.
городище, курган, брід (?), шлях, навершшя з Папаєм, Солоха, Сорокіна балка, Мамай-Гора, стаття, Settlement, Kurhan, Ford, Road, Rattles with Papay, Solokha, Sorokina Balka, Mamay-Gora
Болтрик Ю. В. Терени центру Скіфії (від Солохи до Чортомлика) / Ю. В. Болтрик, В. М. Окатенко, Г. М. Тощев // Археологія і давня історія України. - 2018. - Вип. 1 (26). - С. 147-174.