Семантико-синтаксична організація займенниково-співвідносних речень несиметричної структури з корелятом "так"
Онатій, Анастасія
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У статті проаналізовано займенниково-співвідносні речення несиметричної структури з корелятом так. Виявлено сполучні засоби, що формують блоки, з’ясовано семантико-синтаксичні зв’язки, зафіксовано синкретизм значень, а також підведено підсумки щодо впливу елементів корелятивної пари на структуру і семантику досліджуваних речень.
The article deals with the way of pronoun-correlated unsymmetrical sentences arrangement. As the title implies the article describes sentences with pronoun "tak" in the main part of the complex sentence. It is proved that the correlative block determines the way of semantic and structure relations. It should be stressed that a variety of conjunction semantic is the main reason of syncretic relations in unsymmetrical sentences. It is specially noted than the formally-grammatical structure of pronoun-correlated structures depends on punctuation mark between the pronoun and the isolated conjunction or linked complex with the particle. It is spoken in detail that the semantic structure of pronoun-correlated structures consists of the meaning of mode of action and the meaning of real or unreal comparison (constructions with comparative conjunctions or transposed units), effect (sentences with resulting or asemantic conjunctions that coordinates the subordinate part of sentence) or purpose (constructions with the conjunctions of expected results). The meaning of action extent is possible in sentences with adjectives, adverbs or verbs with the intensity semantic. This research lays the foundation for further research into the correlations with other antecedent units that is an important scientific step in the development of ideas about the specifics of functioning of Ukrainian language sentences.
The article deals with the way of pronoun-correlated unsymmetrical sentences arrangement. As the title implies the article describes sentences with pronoun "tak" in the main part of the complex sentence. It is proved that the correlative block determines the way of semantic and structure relations. It should be stressed that a variety of conjunction semantic is the main reason of syncretic relations in unsymmetrical sentences. It is specially noted than the formally-grammatical structure of pronoun-correlated structures depends on punctuation mark between the pronoun and the isolated conjunction or linked complex with the particle. It is spoken in detail that the semantic structure of pronoun-correlated structures consists of the meaning of mode of action and the meaning of real or unreal comparison (constructions with comparative conjunctions or transposed units), effect (sentences with resulting or asemantic conjunctions that coordinates the subordinate part of sentence) or purpose (constructions with the conjunctions of expected results). The meaning of action extent is possible in sentences with adjectives, adverbs or verbs with the intensity semantic. This research lays the foundation for further research into the correlations with other antecedent units that is an important scientific step in the development of ideas about the specifics of functioning of Ukrainian language sentences.
займенниково-співвідносні несиметричні речення, корелят, релят, корелятивний блок, стаття, pronoun-correlated unsymmetrical sentences, correlative word, relative word, correlative block
Онатій А. Семантико-синтаксична організація займенниково-співвідносних речень несиметричної структури з корелятом "так" / Анастасія Онатій // Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філологічна. - 2017. - Вип. 64, ч. 1. - С. 209-215.