Мовна політика України у 2017-2019 роках
Масенко, Лариса
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У статті розглянуто ухвалення у Верховній Раді України 25 квітня 2019 року Закону "Про забезпечення функціонування української мови як державної" як найбільший здобуток державної мовної політики. Проаналізовано впроваджені законом найважливіші норми вживання української мови у її функції державної. Висвітлено також заходи протидії процедурі прийняття і впровадження закону з боку проросійської частини депутатського корпусу.
У зв’язку з проведенням у 2019 р. президентських і парламентських виборів розглянуто ті положення у програмах кандидатів на президентську посаду і партій, які стосуються мовних проблем країни та запропонованих шляхів їх розв’язання.
The paper considers the adoption of the law "On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language" by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on April 25, 2019 as the greatest achievement of the state language policy The most important norms of the use of the Ukrainian language as the state language implemented by this law are analyzed. The countermeasures to the procedure of the adoption and implementation of the law by the pro-Russian deputy corps part are also clarified. With respect to the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2019, the provisions in the programs of presidential candidates and parties addressing the country’s language issues and proposed solutions, are considered. The election program of Petro Poroshenko as well as his great role in granting Tomos on the autocephaly to the Ukrainian Church and implementation of a series of supporting actions for Ukrainian culture have demonstrated the evolution of the Poroshenko’s attitude to the language policy tasks. From tolerating bilingual development of the country at the beginning of his presidency, he has moved to the Ukraine-centered position in his last years in the post. Yulia Tymoshenko promised to provide a state financial support for the "cultural and spiritual development of the people, preservation and enhancement of its cultural heritage" in the case of winning the elections. Particular attention in her program was given to the promotion of the Ukrainian culture abroad. In his program, Volodymyr Zelensky avoided mentioning the language issues. Such position is obviously explained by his intention to gain electorate support both in the western and eastern regions. According to the election results, the strategy chosen by Zelensky and his team has proven to be successful. The paper also evidences the fallacy of the thesis about 135 nations in Ukraine, present in the Inna Bohoslovska’s program. Most of the 22 political parties taking part in the 2019 parliamentary election process avoided mentioning language issues. Only two parties with opposite political orientations, namely the All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda" and the Opposition Platform — For Life, have paid considerable attention to the language policy problems.
The paper considers the adoption of the law "On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language" by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on April 25, 2019 as the greatest achievement of the state language policy The most important norms of the use of the Ukrainian language as the state language implemented by this law are analyzed. The countermeasures to the procedure of the adoption and implementation of the law by the pro-Russian deputy corps part are also clarified. With respect to the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2019, the provisions in the programs of presidential candidates and parties addressing the country’s language issues and proposed solutions, are considered. The election program of Petro Poroshenko as well as his great role in granting Tomos on the autocephaly to the Ukrainian Church and implementation of a series of supporting actions for Ukrainian culture have demonstrated the evolution of the Poroshenko’s attitude to the language policy tasks. From tolerating bilingual development of the country at the beginning of his presidency, he has moved to the Ukraine-centered position in his last years in the post. Yulia Tymoshenko promised to provide a state financial support for the "cultural and spiritual development of the people, preservation and enhancement of its cultural heritage" in the case of winning the elections. Particular attention in her program was given to the promotion of the Ukrainian culture abroad. In his program, Volodymyr Zelensky avoided mentioning the language issues. Such position is obviously explained by his intention to gain electorate support both in the western and eastern regions. According to the election results, the strategy chosen by Zelensky and his team has proven to be successful. The paper also evidences the fallacy of the thesis about 135 nations in Ukraine, present in the Inna Bohoslovska’s program. Most of the 22 political parties taking part in the 2019 parliamentary election process avoided mentioning language issues. Only two parties with opposite political orientations, namely the All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda" and the Opposition Platform — For Life, have paid considerable attention to the language policy problems.
мовна політика, мовне законодавство, державна мова, російська мова, мови національних меншин, стаття, language policy, language legislation, state language, Russian language, national minorities languages, article
Масенко Л. Т. Мовна політика України у 2017-2019 роках / Л. Т. Масенко // Українська мова. - 2019. - № 3. - С. 40-51.