Economic security at the Ukrainian and Moldovan enterprises

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Khrapkina, Valentyna
Ganushchak, Tatiana
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In the conditions of financial and economic crisis during a pandemic in the world. Ukrainian and Moldovan enterprises operate in conditions of uncertain and incomprehensible changes in a competitive market, as well, as under imperfect financial, economic and organizational and legal mechanisms for providing funding security. Business entities interact with numerous counterparties, who pursue their own interests and create obstacles and threats environment. Ways to ensure the economic security of the enterprises must be formed and implemented by solving complex problems, which are related to the difficulties of control and worldview today. The environment in the system of economic security of the enterprise, for comparison of changes in dynamics, assessment of the state, quickly makes making management decisions depending on the field of activity. Achieve a high level of economic security as an element of the state economic security is to combat fraud, corruption and abuse of office. Ensuring the economic security of an individual helps strengthening economic security in the country as a whole and counteract various types of economic fraud. According to ACFE data, approximately 5% of company income is lost as a result of fraud cases, in Ukraine, according to Kreston GCG, this figure makes up 5-15%. According to the KPMG research data, Ukraine occupies the 6th place in the field of robbery and fraud operations committed by the company employees. The annual loss of the income because of illegal action may constitute 7%. Almost 80 % of the losses in Ukrainian companies are the deliberate actions or those neglecting the official duties by a certain number of the employees. In the course of the research, it was found that 56% of the companies pointed to the fact that they don’t have a legal system to counteract economic and financial fraud, 37% of the companies recognize the formal scheme to counteract the fraud. About 80% of the losses are done by the staff of the company themselves. Only 20% of the computer hacking comes from outside. All in all, these problems may cost the company from 6 to 9% of the income. [1, p. 248-249] The economic security of the enterprise significantly affects the dynamics of the national economy as a whole. In modern conditions, companies are forced to produce less. Demand has declined significantly, and many contracts with foreign partners have been terminated. The population consumes less impulsive goods, invests less in deposits, are unable to repay loans and mortgages. Moldova has a small and open, cash-based economy and remains one of the poorest countries on the European continent. The agricultural sector of the economy is development in Ukraine and Moldova.
economic security of the enterprise, business entities, Ukrainian, Moldovan, section of the monograph
Khrapkina V. V. Economic security at the Ukrainian and Moldovan enterprises / Valentina Khrapkina, Tatiana Ganushchak // Innovation Economic Development: Institutional and Organizational Dimension : international collective monograph / editor in chief: A. Levitskaia ; Comrat State University, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Odessa National Polytechnic University [et al.]. - [Comrat : Tipogr. "A&V Poligraf"], 2021. - 1.1. - Р. 7-19.