"Державний" поет: феномен Павла Тичини у рецепції Василя Стуса

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Єгорченко, Маргарита
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The article deals with the reception of Pavlo Tychyna by VasyT Stus in his significant work A Phenomenon of Our Time. The analysis of the work helps to build an understanding of the important aspects of Stus' conception of poet: Tychyna's destiny, his choice and the loss of talent become to be symbols of subordination of poet to the power, The author examines the reception of Tychyna in the context of Stus’ ethical principles, and also in the contexts of the "official" soviet literary studies, the reception of Tychyna in the circle of'shistdesiatnyky' ('the sixtiers’), and literary studies in the Ukrainian diaspora. The special consideration is given to the text, which was the philosophical basis for A Phenomenon of Our Time - Les Discours de Suède by Albert Camus. The author tries to analyze the impact of the existentialism philosophy on Vasyl Stus' worldview and on his conception of the creative work.
Vasyl' Stus, Pavlo Tychyna, Albert Camus, poet, existentialism, Василь Стус, Павло Тичина, Альбер Камю, поет, екзистенціалізм, стаття
Єгорченко М. О. "Державний" поет: феномен Павла Тичини у рецепції Василя Стуса / Маргарита Єгорченко // Spheres of Culture : journal of philology, history, social and media communication, political science, and cultural studies. - 2019. - Vol. 18. - P. 114-123.