Процедура застосування дисциплінарної відповідальності прокурора: теоретико-правовий аспект
Костюк, Віктор
Семененко, Богдан
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У цій науковій статті досліджуються ключові питання процедури притягнення прокурора до дисциплінарної відповідальності. Наголошено на ключових проблемах порядку застосування дисциплінарної відповідальності. Акцентовано увагу на необхідності реформування дисциплінарного провадження щодо прокурорів. Розкрито законодавчі аспекти дисциплінарного провадження через призму норм Кодексу законів про працю України та Закону України "Про прокуратуру". Зроблено висновки та пропозиції.
In this scientific article, the key issues of the procedure for prosecuting a prosecutor to disciplinary liability are examined. The key issues of disciplinary discipline application are highlighted. The emphasis is placed on the necessity of reforming disciplinary proceedings against prosecutors. The legislative aspects of disciplinary proceedings are disclosed through the prism of the norms of the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office". It is noted that the special procedure of bringing prosecutors to disciplinary liability is a system of the stages of application of disciplinary liability to prosecutors defined by the norms of the law. It is appropriate to emphasize that the special procedure for bringing prosecutors to disciplinary liability is characterized by the following main features: the existence of special legislative regulation; Stems from the essence and content of the prosecution activity and the labor-labor relations that follow from it; The presence of a special sub-committee - prosecutors; The presence of a specific range of disciplinary offenses; The existence of a special body for the application of disciplinary liability; The presence of special mechanisms for the application of disciplinary liability; Availability of special decisions on the application of disciplinary liability; The existence of a special appeal procedure for decisions on the application of disciplinary liability. In the context of the recent codification of labor legislation and the revision of the draft Labor Code, issues of special disciplinary liability deserve special attention. It is appropriate to emphasize that the draft Labor Code contains only general mechanisms for the application of disciplinary liability, mainly duplicating the rules of the current labor legislation. At the same time, the draft Labor Code to disciplinary penalties includes remarks, reprimands and dismissals. From a legal point of view, it would be more desirable, when refining the draft Labor Code, to determine in detail the issue of the application of general and special disciplinary liability. Taking into account the above, prospective directions for improving the disciplinary liability of public prosecutors is to determine at the legislative level: 1) a clear list of disciplinary offenses; 2) the procedure for carrying out an official investigation; 3) ensuring openness, impartiality and transparency of decision-making on bringing to disciplinary responsibility; 4) a clear motivational list of disciplinary penalties; 5) a clear procedure for appealing against decisions to bring to disciplinary liability; 6) clear mechanisms for the rehabilitation of prosecutors who were illegally prosecuted.
In this scientific article, the key issues of the procedure for prosecuting a prosecutor to disciplinary liability are examined. The key issues of disciplinary discipline application are highlighted. The emphasis is placed on the necessity of reforming disciplinary proceedings against prosecutors. The legislative aspects of disciplinary proceedings are disclosed through the prism of the norms of the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office". It is noted that the special procedure of bringing prosecutors to disciplinary liability is a system of the stages of application of disciplinary liability to prosecutors defined by the norms of the law. It is appropriate to emphasize that the special procedure for bringing prosecutors to disciplinary liability is characterized by the following main features: the existence of special legislative regulation; Stems from the essence and content of the prosecution activity and the labor-labor relations that follow from it; The presence of a special sub-committee - prosecutors; The presence of a specific range of disciplinary offenses; The existence of a special body for the application of disciplinary liability; The presence of special mechanisms for the application of disciplinary liability; Availability of special decisions on the application of disciplinary liability; The existence of a special appeal procedure for decisions on the application of disciplinary liability. In the context of the recent codification of labor legislation and the revision of the draft Labor Code, issues of special disciplinary liability deserve special attention. It is appropriate to emphasize that the draft Labor Code contains only general mechanisms for the application of disciplinary liability, mainly duplicating the rules of the current labor legislation. At the same time, the draft Labor Code to disciplinary penalties includes remarks, reprimands and dismissals. From a legal point of view, it would be more desirable, when refining the draft Labor Code, to determine in detail the issue of the application of general and special disciplinary liability. Taking into account the above, prospective directions for improving the disciplinary liability of public prosecutors is to determine at the legislative level: 1) a clear list of disciplinary offenses; 2) the procedure for carrying out an official investigation; 3) ensuring openness, impartiality and transparency of decision-making on bringing to disciplinary responsibility; 4) a clear motivational list of disciplinary penalties; 5) a clear procedure for appealing against decisions to bring to disciplinary liability; 6) clear mechanisms for the rehabilitation of prosecutors who were illegally prosecuted.
прокуратура, прокурор, дисциплінарна відповідальність прокурора, дисциплінарне провадження, дисциплінарні стягнення, трудове законодавство, трудовий кодекс, стаття, prosecutor's office, prosecutor, Disciplinary liability of the prosecutor, Disciplinary proceedings, Disciplinary offenses, Labor law, Labor code
Костюк В. Л. Процедура застосування дисциплінарної відповідальності прокурора: теоретико-правовий аспект / В. Л. Костюк, Б. В. Семененко // Журнал східноєвропейського права. - 2017. - № 42. - С. 12-20.