Electronic Spectrum and Conductivity in Graphene with Impurities

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Kruchinin, Sergei
Repetsky, Stanislav
Vyshyvana, Iryna
Polishchuk, Arkadiy
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In the tight-binding one-electron model, the influence of substitutional impurity atoms on the energy spectrum and electrical conductance of graphene is studied. It is established that the ordering of substitutional impurity atoms on nodes of the crystal lattice causes the appearance of a gap in the energy spectrum of graphene πœ‚|𝛿| in width centered at the point 𝑦𝛿, where πœ‚ is the parameter of ordering, 𝛿 is the difference of the scattering potentials of impurity atoms and carbon atoms, and 𝑦 is the impurity concentration. If the Fermi level is located outside the gap, then the electrical conductance increases with the parameter of order πœ‚. It is shown that an increase in the electrical conductance with the order parameter is a result of both the growth of the density of states at the Fermi level and the time of relaxation of electron states. We have demonstrated the presence of a domain of localized states on the edges of the energy gap arising at the ordering of atoms of the admixture.
graphene, energy gap, density of states, impurity concentration, ordering parameter, Green’s function, metal-insulator transition, region of localization of electronic impurity states, conference materials
Electronic Spectrum and Conductivity in Graphene with Impurities / Sergei Kruchinin, Stanislav Repetsky, Iryna Vyshyvana, Arkadiy Polishchuk // Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29). - 2023. - 6 p. - https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSCP.38.011171