Юридичне термінознавство в Україні: сучасний стан, основні напрями та перспективи розвитку
Артикуца, Наталія
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У статті представлено широкий спектр наукових праць українських мовознавців і правознавців у сфері вивчення юридичної термінології, актуалізації проблем її внормування та
уніфікування в Україні, практичного вирішення мовно-термінологічних питань у сучасній
юриспруденції. Аналіз та систематизація наукового доробку українських учених допомагають визначити, в яких основних напрямах здійснюються й надалі розвиватимуться наукові
пошуки у сфері юридичного термінознавства - нової самостійної спеціалізованої галузі міждисциплінарних досліджень, які актуальні завдання потребують першочергового вирішення.
This article deals with a large specter of scientific works of Ukrainian linguists and legal scholars in the sphere of legal terminology, actualizing problems of normalization and unification in Ukraine, solving language-terminological issues in modem jurisprudence. Analysis and systematization of the Ukrainian scientists (linguists and legal scholars) works allows us to determine in which spheres legal terminology researches are conducted and will be developed further in legal terminology as a new independent scientific branch of interdisciplinary research. Author distinguishes such main ways in the development of modem legal terminology as: history (historiography) of legal terminology, theory of legal terminology, specialized legal terminology (all spheres of modem law); historical (diachronic) and historical-comparative legal terminology; systematically-structural legal terminology; gnoseological terminology, cognitive-semasiological and cognitive-discursive terminology; comparative and law terminology; functionally-stylistic legal terminology, digital and statistical legal terminology; vocabulary legal terminology; lingvodeductional (scientific-educational) legal terminology; organizational and expert legal terminology. Comparative study of the contributions made by linguists and legists in the development of these spheres gives us an opportunity to make a number of conclusions about priorities, directions of scientific interests, identify points of interest for both of them and those that are specifically interesting and lie in the competence of either linguists or legists. As a conclusion, author emphasizes the need of state planning and implementation a number of scientific and organizational measures for complex study, full lexicographical description, unification and standardization of the Ukrainian legal terminology.
This article deals with a large specter of scientific works of Ukrainian linguists and legal scholars in the sphere of legal terminology, actualizing problems of normalization and unification in Ukraine, solving language-terminological issues in modem jurisprudence. Analysis and systematization of the Ukrainian scientists (linguists and legal scholars) works allows us to determine in which spheres legal terminology researches are conducted and will be developed further in legal terminology as a new independent scientific branch of interdisciplinary research. Author distinguishes such main ways in the development of modem legal terminology as: history (historiography) of legal terminology, theory of legal terminology, specialized legal terminology (all spheres of modem law); historical (diachronic) and historical-comparative legal terminology; systematically-structural legal terminology; gnoseological terminology, cognitive-semasiological and cognitive-discursive terminology; comparative and law terminology; functionally-stylistic legal terminology, digital and statistical legal terminology; vocabulary legal terminology; lingvodeductional (scientific-educational) legal terminology; organizational and expert legal terminology. Comparative study of the contributions made by linguists and legists in the development of these spheres gives us an opportunity to make a number of conclusions about priorities, directions of scientific interests, identify points of interest for both of them and those that are specifically interesting and lie in the competence of either linguists or legists. As a conclusion, author emphasizes the need of state planning and implementation a number of scientific and organizational measures for complex study, full lexicographical description, unification and standardization of the Ukrainian legal terminology.
термін, термінознавство, юридичний термін, юридична термінологія, юридичне термінознавство, юридична термінографія, юридична техніка, напрями термінознавства, галузеве термінознавство, стаття, term, terminology, legal term, legal terminology, legal terminography, specialized terminology, trends of legal terminological research, article
Артикуца Н. В. Юридичне термінознавство в Україні: сучасний стан, основні напрями та перспективи розвитку / Н. В. Артикуца // Термінологічний вісник : збірник наукових праць / відп. ред. Л. В. Туровська ; НАН України, Ін-т укр. мови. - 2019. - № 5. - С. 6-17.