Компоненти формування конфліктологічної компетентності майбутніх фахівців з реклами та зв'язків з громадськістю
Тітаренко, Ірина
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У статті уточнено поняття «конфліктологічна компетентність майбутніх фахівців із реклами та зв’язків з громадськістю» як інтегроване особистісне утворення, що сприяє якісному здійсненню професійної діяльності в умовах конфлікту. З’ясовано, що формування конфліктологічної компетентності доцільно реалі-зовувати в процесі фахової підготовки. Визначено компоненти формування конфліктологічної компетентнос-ті майбутніх фахівців із реклами та зв’язків із громадськістю, а саме: мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-практичний та контрольно-корегувальний.
Professional development of an individual occurs in the process of understanding his/her functional tasks of the profession, awareness of his/her own role in it and is provided through purposeful involvement into the system of training. It is known that professional environment is characterized by conflictogenity, thus, the following measures are required in the process of professional training at higher educational institutions: to form students’ desire for harmoni-zation of interpersonal relationships with the aim of fruitful cooperation of the entities engaged in professional activity; to provide students’ acquisition of specific professionally oriented conflictological knowledge in order to perceive and understand the conflicts adequately; to develop conflictological skills of future professionals for their effective perfor-mance of professional duties in conflict situations; to induce students to gain practical experience in conflict resolution in order to reduce the destructive impact and turn them in a constructive direction. Consequently, the problem of form-ing conflict competence in future professionals in the course of training becomes topical. Based on the review of litera-ture on psychology and pedagogy as well as requirements for training specialists in advertising and public relations, conflict competence has been defined as an integrated personal formation that facilitates successful performance in conflict situations. The following components of the formation of conflict competence of specialists in advertising and public relations have been distinguished: value and motivational (personal orientation at creative conflict resolution); cognitive and practical (combination of integrated knowledge on different subjects related to conflicts and ways of their elimination); testing and correctional (conflictological attitude as a system of volitional, emotional and evaluative atti-tudes towards professional activity in conflict situations). Prospects for further research involve theoretical justification of the technology of forming conflict competence in future specialists in advertising and public relations.
Professional development of an individual occurs in the process of understanding his/her functional tasks of the profession, awareness of his/her own role in it and is provided through purposeful involvement into the system of training. It is known that professional environment is characterized by conflictogenity, thus, the following measures are required in the process of professional training at higher educational institutions: to form students’ desire for harmoni-zation of interpersonal relationships with the aim of fruitful cooperation of the entities engaged in professional activity; to provide students’ acquisition of specific professionally oriented conflictological knowledge in order to perceive and understand the conflicts adequately; to develop conflictological skills of future professionals for their effective perfor-mance of professional duties in conflict situations; to induce students to gain practical experience in conflict resolution in order to reduce the destructive impact and turn them in a constructive direction. Consequently, the problem of form-ing conflict competence in future professionals in the course of training becomes topical. Based on the review of litera-ture on psychology and pedagogy as well as requirements for training specialists in advertising and public relations, conflict competence has been defined as an integrated personal formation that facilitates successful performance in conflict situations. The following components of the formation of conflict competence of specialists in advertising and public relations have been distinguished: value and motivational (personal orientation at creative conflict resolution); cognitive and practical (combination of integrated knowledge on different subjects related to conflicts and ways of their elimination); testing and correctional (conflictological attitude as a system of volitional, emotional and evaluative atti-tudes towards professional activity in conflict situations). Prospects for further research involve theoretical justification of the technology of forming conflict competence in future specialists in advertising and public relations.
конфліктологічна компетентність, компонент, майбутні фахівці з реклами та зв’язків із громадськістю, conflictological competence, component, future specialists in advertising and public relations, стаття
Тітаренко І. І. Компоненти формування конфліктологічної компетентності майбутніх фахівців з реклами та зв'язків з громадськістю / Ірина Ігорівна Тітаренко // Наука і освіта : науково-практичний журнал. - 2016. - № 6. - С. 29-34.