The moment when life changed forever. Letters from Ukraine

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Research Institute for European Policy
Almost ten years have passed since the beginning of the war and over a year and a half since the attacks by land, air, and sea. Yet, somehow, brutal and ruthless Russian aggression seems to have become commonplace. We do not freeze in astonishment when we hear about the murders, rapes, tortures, and total destruction wreaked by the Russian invader. We feel tired and sometimes even annoyed. Increasingly often we ask about the price we are paying for this war. Sanctions imposed by the European Union and NATO allies indirectly hit Polish business. Poland is full of Ukrainian refugees who have mixed with pre-war economic migrants. The Ukrainian language can be heard everywhere. We begin to be sceptical and suspicious. We are surprised that Ukrainians can benefit from our social welfare system and even surprised when a Ukrainian worker buys beer in a supermarket at the end of the working day. The original enthusiasm, the selfless desire to help, gradually turns into indifference, and sometimes into reluctance. There are also manifestations of aggression – most often in the virtual space, but there is also direct violence. With our book, we want to remind readers of the first days of the war. Not the reality experienced in our homes in front of the TV, but the reality experienced by Ukrainians.
war, refugees, Ukrainian language, Russian aggression, freedom, editing
The moment when life changed forever. Letters from Ukraine / [ed.: Ola Hnatiuk, Andrii Kutsyk, Arkadiusz Modrzejewski]. - Gdańsk : Research Institute for European Policy, 2023. - 338 s.