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Item Експертна оцінка моделі менеджменту клінічних випробувань з оптимізованою регуляторною системою на рівні контрактної дослідницької організації(2023) Ященко, Марія; Больман, СвітланаУ цьому дослідженні було проведено експертну оцінку управлінської моделі проведення клінічних випробувань в Україні з оптимізованою регуляторною системою на рівні контрактної дослідницької організації, розробленої в дисертаційному випробуванні щодо впливу регуляторної системи на менеджмент клінічних випробувань в Україні. 6 експертів у галузі клінічних випробувань (регуляція, організація та виконання клінічних випробувань) були залучені до експертної оцінки методом напівструктурованого інтерв’ю за попередньо підготовленим гайдом. Стаття представляє результати експертної оцінки та висновки щодо адаптації моделі менеджменту клінічних випробувань на рівні контрактної дослідницької організації при оптимізованій регуляторній системі з урахуванням експертних думок.Item Overcoming barriers in implementing healthy school nutrition policies: insights from Ukraine(2024) Yurochko, Tetiana; Heiko, L.The general mortality rate from NCDs in Ukraine exceeds that in European Union countries, (Yurochko et al., 2023) exacerbated by the ongoing war. Healthy nutrition plays a pivotal role in enhancing the overall quality of life and curbing the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Despite its significance, ensuring healthy eating habits, particularly during the early stages of life at the period of setting lifelong habits (Jackson et al., 2020; Riley et al., 2018), remains a challenge. Besides, school-based settings represent an ideal environment for effective intervention because they offer a shared common physical, academic, and social space (Tapia-Fonllem et al., 2020). Through a series of semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, this study identifies barriers and facilitators to policy implementation, with a focus on educational institutions. Qualitative analysis reveals barriers such as inadequate human resources, funding constraints, resistance from the food industry, and ineffective communication strategies at the family level. Moreover, there exists a disjointed understanding of nutrition standards. However, collaborative efforts with civil society, empowerment of nursing roles, strategic utilization of grants and fundraising, engagement with the food industry, and the adoption of a family-oriented approach emerge as crucial enablers for successful policy implementation. These findings offer theoretical foundations for fostering healthier nutrition environments within schools. This research serves as a roadmap for policymakers and educators striving to create sustainable and effective strategies for promoting healthy eating among early school-age children in Ukraine and beyond. Study finds human resource shortages, funding constraints, and food industry resistance as major barriers to school nutrition policy. Recommendations include collaborative approaches, nurse involvement, and aligned standards for effective school nutrition policy.Item Prospects for implementing digital tools for health promotion in the workplace(2024) Aleksandrenko, Hlib; Shevchenko, MarynaAim. To assess the effectiveness of a three-month corporate health program (CHP) at the workplace that utilized digital tools for implementation. Materials and methods. The study involved 22 employees of an IT company in Ukraine. The CHP was developed and implemented using a digital tool with a special algorithm for collecting, processing, and sharing information within the CHP. For further implementation, a chatbot with an intuitive interface was constructed, which allowed a personalized access to the account for each CHP participant. It has become possible to obtain personalized information regarding changes in CHP participation and to provide personalized recommendations. The CHP plan also included educational events on healthy lifestyles, accompanied by interactive materials in the chatbot. The CHP's effectiveness was assessed based on the results of the survey using standardized scales of the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile Questionnaire (HPLP-II) before and after CHP implementation. Results. The overall score of the Healthy Lifestyle Profile increased significantly (from 52.9% to 57.9%, p=0.025), the same as the individual scales of Health Responsibility (from 38.4% to 48.8%, p=0.00621) and Stress Management (from 45.1% to 55.3%, p=0.00104) before and after CHP implementation. Although positive changes were observed in the Physical Activity, Nutrition, Spiritual Growth, and Interpersonal Relationships scales, they did not reach statistical significance. The survey participants' responses to individual questions suggest that their behavior has undergone positive changes. Specifically, respondents are opting for lower-fat and sugar foods, visiting their doctor regularly, eating healthy foods, taking care of their own mental health, and effectively managing their workload. Conclusions. The CHP, which utilized digital tools, had a positive impact on the development of healthy habits and practices among participants. As evidenced by the data collected, the CHP increased participants' sense of responsibility for their own health and stress management skills. These findings suggest that implementing similar programs using digital tools is feasible.Item The model street method: considering its suitability beyond poverty and sustainability into post-conflict settings(2024) Grierson, Shelley; Maistruk, PaulThe model street method was developed in 2015 to provide a framework for delivering high-impact, low-cost, scalable community health interventions for communities affected by poverty in Africa. Since then, the method has been adapted to other contexts, including sustainable redevelopment of urban areas in Europe and North America. Therefore, the suitability of the model as a template from which other contexts could benefit should be considered. Post-conflict settings have several features in common with poverty settings, where this model has been well demonstrated as effective. Method: The method involves physically transforming a community through improved neighbourhood infrastructure and design. The aim is to improve the physical and psychological wellbeing of the residents. In its flagship project, residents of the deprived neighbourhood Dandora (Kenya) achieved a significantly improved quality of life. The project was delivered over six stages across 18 months. These stages included field research, collaboration laboratories, community workshops, building parties, implementation, and launch. Results: Key success measures included improvements in perceived safety and security of residents, and better livelihood opportunities, relationships with authorities, play opportunities for children, and drainage and environmental quality. The results achieved recognition in several international awards. The method has since been applied to other neighbourhoods in comparable settings, such as Cape Town, Accra, and Kampala. It has also been adapted successfully to settings other than poverty alleviation, including its use in Europe and North America. Conclusion: As a community health intervention method, it is low-cost, and its focus on collaboration maximises suitability across a variety of contexts. However, there are unique features specific to post-conflict settings, so it is recommended that the model street methods’ suitability for application in postconflict settings be further considered and investigated.Item Diverse social identities and their importance for public health : a syllabi collection with hands-on material for teaching(ASPHER, 2023) Wandschneider, Lisa; Wetzel, Lorena; Skrypnikova, Olena; Podar, Monica Diana; Lütke Lanfer, Hanna; Selig, Suzanne; Namer, YuditMembers of minoritised population groups are exposed to higher burdens of morbidity and mortality and face barriers to accessing health care systems and other critical resources to achieve optimal health. Intersectional perspectives that emphasise the dimensions of social power and discrimination are just beginning to emerge in public health research. These perspectives contextualise longstanding patterns of health inequalities but are rarely translated into public health curricula. Concepts like "cultural competence" or "diversity, equity and inclusion" do address the importance of awareness and respect for (cultural) diversity in (patient/client) populations. The research and teaching examples available are largely limited to a USA context, tend to consider specific identities, rather than intersectional characteristics, are not systematically integrated in public health curricula and are usually not rooted in a theoretical approach of teaching. It is imperative that Europe bridges the knowledge-to-teaching gap and begins introducing similar programs, while learning from the limitations of USA efforts. Two steps are needed to strengthen public health educational institutions and improve population health: first, to systematically incorporate an intersectional paradigm into public health curricula; and second, to provide faculty members in public health programs with transformative teaching skills (Namer & Wandschneider, 2021). In advocating for the improvement of public health education in Europe, ASPHER fully endorses the need to bring diversity more into the focus of teaching. ASPHER therefore developed a policy on diversity competence to be an element of the ASPHER 2025 strategy. This approach goes beyond the notion of cultural diversity as ASPHER envisages an intersectional, holistic notion to reflect on multiple dimensions of diversity that affect the health of populations (Wandschneider et al., 2020).Item Функції мему у сфері громадського здоров'я(Наукові перспективи, 2023) Бронікова, Світлана; Оганісян, А.Матеріали доповіді учасників XXX-ої Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Сучасні аспекти модернізації науки: стан, проблеми, тенденції", (07 березня 2023 року, м. Гамбург (Німеччина).Item Вакцинація проти вірусу папіломи людини, як доказовий підхід протидії поширенню раку шийки матки в Україні(ДВНЗ "Ужгородський національний університет", 2023) Юрочко, Тетяна; Мишко, АндрійМета роботи: розкрити необхідність популяризації серед населення України вакцинації проти вірусу папіломи людини, як доказового підходу протидії поширенню раку шийки матки.Item Аналітичний звіт за результатами оцінки "Покращення показників з неінфекційних захворювань: бар'єри та можливості системи охорони здоров'я в Україні"(2023) Юрочко, Тетяна; Скіпальський, Андрій; Курило, Ірина; Думчева, АнастасіяЦей звіт підготовлено на основі результатів оцінки у сфері профілактики та контролю неінфекційних захворювань в Україні. У ньому наведено огляд проблем та можливостей системи охорони здоров'я України загалом та 5 регіонів (Львівської, Рівненської, Полтавської, Дніпропетровської та Херсонської областей). Оцінка включала декілька напрямків – аналіз показників у сфері НІЗ, охоплення основними втручаннями та послугами у сфері НІЗ, виклики та можливості системи охорони здоров’я для розширення основних заходів та послуг щодо НІЗ, а також вивчення інновацій та передового досвіду. За результатами оцінки розроблено рекомендації для національного рівня та для кожного з 5 регіонів. Звіт може становити інтерес для фахівців системи охорони здоров’я, які працюють або цікавляться сферою неінфекційних захворювань, а також для керівників, які приймають рішення щодо профілактики та контролю хронічних захворювань на різних рівнях.Item Bridging gaps: improving the access of primary health care in rural Ukraine through mobile health units(2024) Suzyma, Valentyna; Yurochko, TetianaRural healthcare is an integral part of the Ukrainian healthcare system. However, access to healthcare for the rural population is uneven due to poor development of medical infrastructure and staffing. The problem of access to medical care in rural areas has been exacerbated by the full-scale war. The objective: to study and analyze the current state of accessibility of primary health care in rural areas in Ukraine, followed by a discussion of promising areas for the introduction of mobile health units as a tool for implementing the "Medical Guarantees" program in hard-to-reach regions of Ukraine. Materials and methods. The study included data from official statistical reports, regulatory documents and scientific sources. The methodology includes bibliosemantic, medical and statistical methods and the method of structural logical analysis. Results. It has been established that the low level of access to primary health care for the rural population of Ukraine has been significantly exacerbated by the devastating impact of the war on medical and transport infrastructure, especially in the frontline and recently de-occupied rural areas, and by migration processes. The situation is complicated by the fact that most patients in rural areas are elderly people who are physically unable to use public transportation, even if it is available. The analysis of international practice has shown that mobile health units can be introduced into the public healthcare system as a temporary measure to meet the urgent needs of the Ukrainian population, especially in rural areas. Integration of mobile health units into the state program "Medical Guarantees" can effectively address the urgent health care needs to increase access to health care for the rural population of Ukraine. State regulation of the division of these units will eliminate problems such as duplication and uneven service delivery and will create a transparent system of remuneration for the staff included in these units. Conclusions. The results of the study suggest that the practice of mobile medical units should be introduced as a tool for implementing the "Medical Guarantees" program for regions/locations of Ukraine with low access to medical infrastructure, namely remote rural areas and areas that have been devastated by the war. Mobile medical units will ensure the stability of access to primary health care services and contribute to improving the health of the population.Item Environmental competencies for healthcare management at a 2nd education level as a component of strategic management(2024) Turianytsia, Solomiia; Yurochko, Tetiana; Balashov, Kostyantyn; Hulchiy, OlesyaAim: To present the results of the analysis of educational standards and curricula of the second educational level of training of specialists, who may be managers of healthcare, on the content of the environmental component as an element of strategic management. Materials and Methods: Content analysis 24 educational standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 6 fields of knowledge and 200 master’s curricula from 87 institutions of higher education of Ukraine. Conclusions: There is a distribution of basic leadership and management competencies both by types of these competencies and between specialties. The requirements for the inclusion of the environmental component in the framework documents are poorly expressed. The content of environmental issues in the curricula is insufficient.Item How much can we learn from each other? Polish and Hungarian good practices in financing ophthalmology care as a proposal for implementation in Ukraine(2024) Więckowska, Barbara; Byszek, Katarzyna; Rękas, Marek; Yurochko, Tetiana; Shevchenko, Maryna; Skrypnikova, Olena; Dozsa, Csaba; Toth, MelanieThe article aims to compare payment schemes for cataract, glaucoma, vitrectomy, cornea transplantations, DME, and AMD across Hungary, Poland, and Ukraine, and to identify implementable practices in Ukraine within the context of ongoing healthcare reforms.Item Countermeasure policy for chronic noncommunicable diseases in Ukraine(2023) Yurochko, Tetiana; Kondratiuk, ViktoriiaBackground: Noncommunicable diseases (ncd) are main reason for disability and precocious mortality rate in ukraine. they are determining main socio-economic consequences for countrys development and need urgent intervention in political decisions and coordinated actions on all levels. Objective: Comprehensively assess situation of countermeasures, consolidate data from pre-war period about ncd preventive conditions in strategy development of post-war health care system restoration in Ukraine. Methods: The assessment was done accordingly to who methodology "effective treatment of non-communicable diseases: challenges and solutions for the healthcare systems" within the Ukrainian-switzerland project " act for health " Results: The major NCDS are not only part of irreversible losses because of mortality but factors in reducing life expectancy. contribution of ncds is significant, mainly cardiovascular disease, as Ukraines overall disease burden (dalys) which were 8/9 of total years of life lost for women and - for men. There are gaps in primary care in prevention and control of ncds, despite its importance and work done by the system to overcome the epidemy of cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, and oncology diseases in Ukraine. nevertheless, mortality rate from these pathologies remains high, showing a systemic fracture in patient group management system and lack of attention to prevention and financial support. As a result, unhealthy lifestyle practices lead to a high level of CVD spread. the number of neglected cases of diabetes and their complications caused by uncontrolled disease courses remains high. Oncology treatment spending from the government and patient budget remains an acute problem. Conclusions: Results of research show gaps in the pre-war periods activities, which significantly increased due to the destructive impact of war that system passes. Health care system post-war restoration plan development should be based on challenges and barriers depending on populations health condition analysis and pre-war system work.Item Using a chatbot as a digital tool at the primary health care level(2024) Aleksandrenko, Hlib; Shevchenko, MarynaAim: To analyze the feasibility of utilizing a digital tool such as a chatbot at the primary health care level as part of a health program. Materials and Methods: With the involvement of a general practitioner and the use of a digital tool, a chatbot, a three-month health program was conducted for employees of an IT company. The chatbot was used to collect information, monitor the health status of participants and provide personalized health recommendations. To evaluate the program’s effectiveness survey was conducted to compare participants answers before and after using standardized evaluation scales. A questionnaire based on the Evaluation and Management Services Guide was created to collect medical information on the health status of participants before and after the program. Results: After the program, the average total score of participants’ health complaints and symptoms decreased (from 27.1 to 16.1, p=0.019). The average severity of the chief complaint on a scale of 0 to 10 decreased from 5.08 to 2.27, or by 55.3% (p=0.00676). The frequency of individual complaints such as eye pain, decreased concentration, increased fatigue and irritability also dropped. Conclusions: The chatbot enabled the primary care physician to respond promptly to participants’ health complaints. The results demonstrated the potential of chatbots as innovative and accessible digital tools at the primary health care level for providing recommendations, monitoring health, and contacting a primary care physician in a timely manner.Item Current challenges in accessibility to ophthalmological care in Ukraine(2024) Skrypnikova, Olena; Yurochko, TetianaAim: The purpose of the study is to identify challenges in the organization and access to ophthalmic services through the analysis of expert opinion of practitioners and government officials. Materials and Methods: Materials developed during expert interviews with practitioners and government officials were used in the study. We also used materials worked out within the project ID 22120107 supported by Visegrád Fund. Conclusions: Despite all the challenges in access to high-quality ophthalmology services, practitioners and government officials have common opinions on how to improve the organization of eye services, how to make care more inclusive and effective, so that the development of blindness and visual impairment does not cause a burden on the state and society.Item Barriers and facilitators to viral hepatitis testing in Uzbekistan: scoping qualitative study among key stakeholders, healthcare workers, and the general population(2024) Mazhnaya, Alyona; Geurts, Brogan; Brigida, Krestina; Bakieva, Shokhista; Sadirova, Shakhlo; Witzigmann, Annika; Musabaev, Erkin; Brandl, Michael; Weishaar, Heide; Dudareva, Sandra; El Bcheraoui, CharbelIntroduction In the World Health Organization European Region, an estimated 14 million people live with a chronic hepatitis B virus infection (HBV), and 12 million are affected by a hepatitis C virus infection (HCV). Uzbekistan bears a major burden of HBV and has one of the highest HCV prevalence in the region. Following a presidential decree in May 2022, significant funds were allocated to the viral hepatitis (VH) elimination program in Uzbekistan. The program expands VH testing to reach 500,000 people annually during 2022–2025 as part of the VH elimination strategy that includes the provision of free testing and affordable treatment. Exploring the existing barriers and facilitators to VH testing is pivotal for informing these interventions. Methods This study uses a cross-sectional qualitative design to identify and explore the barriers and facilitators to VH testing among the general population in Uzbekistan. We collected data during October-November 2022 through semi-structured interviews with 12 key informants (KIs) and 7 focus group discussions with two target populations: the general population and healthcare workers (HCW) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Results Following the capability-opportunity-motivation-behavior model (COM-B model) as a framework for the analysis, we identified major capability barriers to VH testing primarily linked to low health literacy and limited knowledge about VH types, symptoms, transmission, testing and treatment. Physical opportunity barriers included the time and financial costs associated with testing, diagnostics, and treatment. Sociocultural opportunity barriers involved anticipated negative reactions and stigmatization, particularly affecting women. Motivational barriers included a reluctance to be tested when asymptomatic and a general fear of receiving positive test results. The involvement of healthcare workers in promoting VH awareness and motivating the general population emerged as a facilitator. Conclusions A multi-pronged approach is recommended to achieve VH testing goals among the general population, focusing on raising awareness and health literacy and creating an enabling environment that ensures easy accessibility and minimizing VH testing-associated costs.Item Парадигматичні відношення в термінології державного управління(2022) Романченко, Алла; Бронікова, СвітланаНаціональна терміносистема є важливим складником будь-якої мови. Сфера державного управління утворює систему, що складається з лексичних одиниць, які розкривають процеси державного управління, висвітлюють специфіку управлінської діяльності тощо, дефінуючи сутність державного управління як галузі науки й діяльності державних службовців. Досліджувані терміни характеризуються певним ступенем системності. Системні відношення термінолексем висвітлено завдяки аналізу їхніх парадигматичних відношень. Метою розвідки є виявлення семантичної специфіки термінної лексики в галузі державного управління. Основне завдання дослідження передбачає встановлення особливостей семантики цієї лексики, визначення ознак її системності. Обʼєкт спостереження – терміни вказаної галузі, предмет дослідження – семантичні параметри описуваної лексики в парадигматичному аспекті. Низка залучених методів дала змогу здійснити дослідження та вирішити поставлені завдання, зокрема описовий метод забезпечив характеристику термінної лексики щодо семантики, компонентний аналіз сприяв зʾясуванню семантичної структури термінів, дистрибутивний аналіз уможливив встановлення лексико-семантичних відношень в обраній терміносистемі. Джерельною базою для дослідження послугував "Словник термінів і понять з державного управління", де потлумачено понад 660 основних термінів галузі. Увагу зосереджено на таких лексичних мікропарадигмах, як полісеманти, синоніми та антоніми. Зафіксовані полісемічні лексеми номінують осіб, документи, органи влади й становлять 5% від усіх термінів. Лексична синонімія виявляється у 3% термінів та реалізується у вигляді термінів-дублетів, що не відрізняються семантичними чи стилістичними відтінками. Контрастивні відношення, втілювані за допомогою антонімів, є непродуктивними й перебувають на периферії аналізованої терміносистеми (0,8%).Item Digital solutions for the development of corporate health programs(2023) Aleksandrenko, Hlib; Shevchenko, MarynaIntroduction. The article examines the relevance and importance of the health status of employees in modern society. Considering the rapid development of digital technologies, the expediency of their use to improve health and well-being at workplaces is being investigated. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of development of digital technologies for corporate health programs, as well as to present the results of the developed and implemented digital tool for the implementation of the corporate health program. Materials and methods. The research materials are: 1) regulatory and legal support for the regulation of corporate health of employees of enterprises; 2) information resources of foreign companies that use scientific and practical achievements in the field of digital technology development to preserve and strengthen the corporate health of enterprise employees. In the process of carrying out the research, the following scientific methods were used: theoretical generalization (to characterize corporate health programs and digital applications for tracking the individual corporate health of employees); formalization, analysis and synthesis (to build a model of strengthening corporate health); logical generalization of results (formulation of conclusions). Results. One of the modern trends in the field of personnel management (or, as we call it now, human resources or HR) is the implementation of a holistic approach to the well-being of employees. Companies offer innovative programs to ensure financial well-being, mental health, a healthy lifestyle (in particular, nutrition, physical activity), stress management, etc. It has been becoming a part of both the employer's corporate social responsibility and a strategy crafted to ensure the maintenance of a positive HR brand, attract and retain talents, and increase the level of employee engagement as well as efficiency. It has been confirmed by the results of the Deloitte study. The developed and implemented model of the corporate health program, one of the components of which is the use of digital tools in the form of an automated system of interaction, ensured effective communication and feedback with program participants and prompt response to their needs. Automated distribution of information, support, and personalization were carried out thanks to the proposed algorithm and the possibility of customization through the personal account of each program participant. Thus, we were able to provide a personalized approach to each of them. Discussion. The predicted economic efficiency of this program is estimated for the company's management at approximately $51,000 per year. It has been established that strategies, conditions, or activities carried out in the work environment can motivate employees to make changes that will not only have a positive effect on their health and well-being but also allow for increased productivity at the workplace.Item Organization of ophthalmological care in Ukraine(2023) Skrypnikova, Olena; Yurochko, TetianaThe aim: To consider the organization of ophthalmological care in Ukraine for cataract and glaucoma and +nd out whether it is appropriate to implement advanced good practices of reference countries for Ukraine. Materials and methods: The method of desk review was used, supported by secondary analysis of data, in particular legislative acts. The research included conducting expert interviews with ophthalmologist of the public and private sectors, heads of public healthcare institutions, and management of the National Health Service of Ukraine. We also used materials on good practices from partners within the project ID 22120107 supported by Visegrád Fund. Results: Since the burden of ophthalmological pathologies is increasing and processes of reforming the health care system are taking place, changes in the organization and +nancing of ophthalmological services are taking place. Within the framework of the partner project, "Access to healthcare services in the context of +nancing mechanisms. The case of ophthalmology" identi+ed good practices in the organization of ophthalmological care in the context of improving access to services and improving quality. The results of interviews with key stakeholders led to the fact that the respondents generally support all the good practices proposed by the partner countries and indicate their arguments why the proposed practices are (not)appropriate to implement in Ukraine. Conclusions: The organization and +nancing of healthcare in Ukraine still require the study and implementation of good practices so that patients can have access to quality services and treatment.