Досвід викладання дисципліни "Право Європейського Союзу"

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Вишняков, Олександр
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Видавничий дім "KM Academia"
Матеріал виступу на Міжнародній конференції "Практичні проблеми юридичної освіти України в контексті європейської інтеграції", Київ, Україна, 20 вересня 2001 р.
In 1998 we started teaching the course of "Trade Law of the European Union" (18 lectures, 6 workshops) at the Faculty of Civil Law and Enterprenenship. Its graduates must know the fundamentals of the EU commercial law since many of them work in commerce where lots of questions arise concerning participation of non-residents from the EU countries in the Ukrainian economy and of Ukrainian residents in the EU economy. A good deal of graduates work for courts of justice, notariat, advocacy, public prosecutor's office, etc. This is also a vast domain to adapt the Ukrainian law to the European law standards because judicial, arbitrary and notarial practice is more dynamic and sensitive than legislation from the, so to say, "adaptive" viewpoint. It is easier to adapt the Ukrainian law to (hat of the EU starting from judicial practice, not awaiting the adapted laws to be adopted. To cultivate the "European legal awareness" in a new generation of the would-be workers of justice and to make them absorb adequate knowledge of the European Law is virtually the same as to push the European legal ideas directly into practice. In other words, the introduction of the El Law training course is a piaciical step to prepare professionals with regard for their potential to implement the EU law on the Ukrainian law ground. A complex issue is to supplement the teaching process with the availability of legal texts to read. For example, the numbei of the EU secondary legislation and EC Court awards translated and publisheo in the CNS is not satisfactory for the time being. It would be expedient to join the efforts of the Ukrainian teachers of the EU Law and the Ministry ol Justice in preparing a text-book on the principal EU legislative acts and their judicial practice in the Ukrainian language. Information deficit is being improved to a certain extent by the teachers who have been within recent years more often putting forward the European legal items in their publications, textbooks and training materials. For example, the Academy's Publishing House has issued monograph «The problems of Ukraine's entrance into the European legal space». Technical assistance from the relevant EU structures and EU states would also be very timely. A special shortage is felt in the regular sources to supply information on the EU Law to the Ukrainian law teaching institutions.
європейське право, Одеська національна юридична академія, курси з європейського права, студентська практика, матеріали конференції
Вишняков О. Досвід викладання дисципліни "Право Європейського Союзу" / Олександр Вишняков // Практичні проблеми юридичної освіти України в контексті європейської інтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної конференції, Київ, Україна, 20 вересня 2001 р. : виступи та доповіді учасників = Practical problems of legal education of Ukraine in the context of European integration / Нац. ун-т "Києво-Могилянська Академія" ; М-во у справах міжнародного розвитку Великої Британії. - Київ : Видавничий дім "KM Academia", 2001. - С. 23-29.