Regional Security Development in Latin America: Democratization Trends

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Taranenko, Anna
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The article is dedicated to regional security development in Latin America and, in particular, the democratization trends. The topic of regional security development in Latin America appears to be an urgent problem to research in order to trace the security development tendencies in the region, identify current challenges of security development and, in particular, analyze democratization trends. Regional security of Latin America is closely related to security agenda of the Western hemisphere and, thus, the global security. Therefore, it should be paid particular attention. It is necessary to analyze the economic, political, cultural and ecological dimensions of regional security in Latin American countries and its relation to democratization tendencies in the region. The current state of regional security development is characterized by global development trends and challenges, such as climate change, economic turmoil, food security, health protection issues and nuclear weapons proliferation. Thus, the goal of this article is to study regional security development in Latin America in terms of further democratization trends. The objectives of the article are to analyze the current state of regional security development in Latin America, trace democratization trends and define prospects for further strategic alliances development, as well as regional leadership shaping up. One can conclude that regional security is a highly important aspect on foreign policy agenda of Latin American countries. The countries of the region need to face a number of regional security challenges, first of all, stemming from social and economic development aspects. The prospects are to enhance international cooperation in the region and promote effective social, economic and educational development projects. Prospects of further research are related to more detailed examination of various security types in the Latin American region. In particular, it is worthwhile researching the aspects of ecological security, food security and human security in the region. These aspects have gained more resonance in the world security studies of the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century and their relevance for the Latin American region needs to be further explored.
Latin America, regional security, international security, conflict resolution, international development, international integration, the U.S., Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine, article
Taranenko A. H. Regional Security Development in Latin America: Democratization Trends / Taranenko A. H. // Проблеми міжнародних відносин. - 2021. - Вип. 18. - С. 70-83.