Сотеріологічні мотиви "Науки в неділю перед Різдвом" Леонтія Карповича

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Максимчук, Ольга
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У статті проаналізовано відображення сотеріологічних (пов’язаних із церковним ученням про спасіння) мотивів у проповіді Леонтія Карповича "Наука в неділю перед Різдвом". Розглянуто характеристику образу Спасителя-Месії, простежено зв’язок індивідуальної та загальної сотеріології у тексті Карповича, приділено увагу практичним рекомендаціям, які автор дає своїй пастві для того, щоб належно підготуватися до зустрічі свята Різдва.
In the paper, the depiction of soteriological motifs in Leontii Karpovych’s Preaching on the Sunday before Christmas are considered. The image of Jesus as the true Messiah that developed in the Preaching is analyzed. The phrase itself – the true Messiah – was possibly adopted from some Polish sources, perhaps, from the Jakub Wujek Bible. One of the main ideas of the Preaching is to show connections between righteous man from the Old Testament and Jesus Christ who is their direct descendant. In the text of the Preaching, patriarchs, kings and prophets are compared to the messengers of the rich and powerful king; they are sent to inform his people of the king’s arrival. Their good news is about the forgiveness of sins and God’s plan for the salvation of humankind. In this way, the preacher describes an approach to the Christmas holiday and motivates his congregation to prepare their hearts for greeting the King of kings. Thus, believers ought to be ready for hosting the important Guest who will be present in the stable of their souls, which must be properly cleansed. The celebration of Christmas enables Christians to participate in the events of sacred history. According to Karpovych, using their imagination helps believers to meet with the newborn divine Baby and to share the joyfulness with those who celebrated the Messiah’s coming in ancient Israel. This propensity for compassion is an efficient mechanism for listeners/readers of the sermon to open their hearts and become closer to Jesus the Savior. Karpovych constantly emphasizes that the Lord descends from the Kingdom of Heaven to raise sinners to the heights of paradise. This vertical up-and-down movement represents the preacher’s view on the soteriological “strategy” of God. However, redemption is possible only in the womb of the true Church, which is compared to a sky illuminated by the spiritual light of Christ. Moreover, God needs people’s attempts to rid themselves of their moral impurity; this is why Karpovych prompts believers to repent their sins, to confess and to do good works, practicing prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
проповідь, мотив, образність, сотеріологія, Біблія, стаття, sermon, motif, imagery, soteriology, Bible
Максимчук О. В. Сотеріологічні мотиви "Науки в неділю перед Різдвом" Леонтія Карповича / Максимчук О. В. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Літературознавство. - 2018. - Т. 1. - С. 20-24.