Суб'єкт у пасивних конструкціях сучасного адміністративно-канцелярського мовлення
Лаврінець, Олена
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У статті з’ясовано специфіку морфологічного вираження суб’єктної
синтаксеми в пасивних конструкціях сучасного адміністративно-канцелярського мовлення. Проаналізовано асинкретизм (суб’єкт дії) та синкретизм (суб’єкт-інструмент, суб’єкт-інструмент-час, суб’єктінструмент-об’єкт, суб’єкт-простір) семантики орудного відмінка
субстантива та прийменниково-іменникового словосполучення. Матеріалом для дослідження слугували навчальні посібники та довідники з офіційно-ділового мовлення, датовані першими десятиліттями ХХІ ст.
Background. The researchers of history and modern period of development of Ukrainian connect the issue of functioning of subject syntaxeme in passive constructions with plane of their expression and with the factors of their explained/unexplained usage in the passive constructions of the modern Ukrainian on the whole and formal language in particular. Bureaucratic texts are still not inspected in this aspect, and this fact predetermines actuality of this research. Purpose. To find out the specific of morphological expression of subject syntaxeme in the passive constructions of the modern formal language. Methods. In order to achieve the set aim, a descriptive-analytical method and method of syntactic transformations were applied. Actual material for the research was collected using the method of selection from study guides and reference books on the modern Ukrainian formal language, dated the first decades of the 21st century. Results. In passive constructions that have old history of the use in written monuments of Ukrainian from 12th–13th century, attention is concentrated on an action and object of action, but not on a subject, which has a peripheral syntactic position in the structure of a sentence. The means of expression of subject syntaxeme and their productivity in the passive constructions of formal language depend on the structural type of construction: in three-component constructions, the subject is expressed by substantive in instrumental case, in double-component – by a noun in prepositional case with prepositions у (в), до, на. The basic and productive means of expression of subject syntaxeme in the passive constructions of formal language is a form of instrumental case of the substantive. Discussion. Syncretism of substantive semantics in the forms of instrumental and local cases in the passive constructions of formal language is predefined by secondariness of actor seme for these case forms and by unelementariness of passive construction form as a result of combination of two / three output simple sentences. Only semantics of the noun-creature and the noun-thing with the meaning of status of a person, group of persons or establishment in instrumental case is asyncretic. It is formed by the transformation interconnection of passive and active constructions. The research prospect is in the discovering of the fixed and specific means of expression of subject syntaxeme in passive constructions of other functional styles and their substyles in Ukrainian for finding out the productivity / unproductiveness of these means in modern Ukrainian on the whole and formal language in particular.
Background. The researchers of history and modern period of development of Ukrainian connect the issue of functioning of subject syntaxeme in passive constructions with plane of their expression and with the factors of their explained/unexplained usage in the passive constructions of the modern Ukrainian on the whole and formal language in particular. Bureaucratic texts are still not inspected in this aspect, and this fact predetermines actuality of this research. Purpose. To find out the specific of morphological expression of subject syntaxeme in the passive constructions of the modern formal language. Methods. In order to achieve the set aim, a descriptive-analytical method and method of syntactic transformations were applied. Actual material for the research was collected using the method of selection from study guides and reference books on the modern Ukrainian formal language, dated the first decades of the 21st century. Results. In passive constructions that have old history of the use in written monuments of Ukrainian from 12th–13th century, attention is concentrated on an action and object of action, but not on a subject, which has a peripheral syntactic position in the structure of a sentence. The means of expression of subject syntaxeme and their productivity in the passive constructions of formal language depend on the structural type of construction: in three-component constructions, the subject is expressed by substantive in instrumental case, in double-component – by a noun in prepositional case with prepositions у (в), до, на. The basic and productive means of expression of subject syntaxeme in the passive constructions of formal language is a form of instrumental case of the substantive. Discussion. Syncretism of substantive semantics in the forms of instrumental and local cases in the passive constructions of formal language is predefined by secondariness of actor seme for these case forms and by unelementariness of passive construction form as a result of combination of two / three output simple sentences. Only semantics of the noun-creature and the noun-thing with the meaning of status of a person, group of persons or establishment in instrumental case is asyncretic. It is formed by the transformation interconnection of passive and active constructions. The research prospect is in the discovering of the fixed and specific means of expression of subject syntaxeme in passive constructions of other functional styles and their substyles in Ukrainian for finding out the productivity / unproductiveness of these means in modern Ukrainian on the whole and formal language in particular.
пасивна конструкція, активна конструкція, суб’єктна синтаксема, асинкретична семантика, синкретична семантика, орудний відмінок, субстантив, прийменниково-іменникове словосполучення, стаття, passive construction, active construction, subjective syntaxeme, asyncretic semantics, syncretic semantics, ablative case, substantive, prepositional-noun phrase
Лаврінець О. Я. Суб'єкт у пасивних конструкціях сучасного адміністративно-канцелярського мовлення / Олена Лаврінець // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2018. - Вип. 4. - С. 48-67.