Майєвтика: до проблеми методів навчання в західній культурі (філософсько-етичний аспект)
Рогожа, Марія
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У статті з’ясовано етичний потенціал майєвтики як версії діалектичного
методу, представленого Сократом в якості мистецтва ведення філософської бесіди таким чином, щоб у зіткненні різних точок зору виявити
The paper deals with the clarifying of ethical potential of maieutics as an educational method in the Western culture. The work with primary sources of Xenophon and Plato is mediated by their reception by the history of prominent researchers of the ancient philosophy, such as A. F. Losev, V. F. Asmus, F. Kh. Kessidyi and others. Elaborated by Socrates, the method of maieutics is exposed in prospects of its content and form (methodology). Maieutics makes possible the comprehension of the key issues for virtue life while discussing matters from real moral practice (virtue, goodness, justice, bravery, courage). The author mentions that Xenophon and Plato as disciples of Socrates give us the relevant primary sources about Socrates’ life, activity and method, although they represent them in different ways. Xenophon outlines the image of Socrates as a good-natured eccentric man, while striving for Socrates’ posthumous rehabilitation among Athenians. Instead of this, Plato represents Socrates as a rebel, who confused young people: he put a question, demonstrated its complexity, and after that he ended up in trouble. Thereafter Socrates’ interlocutor himself collapsed into embarrassment, without a ready recipe of a "right answer" from Socrates, who saw his mission to help an interlocutor to comprehend oneself, to recollect one’s own hidden knowledge and to fix it. The author argues that maieutics is a version of a dialectical method that was represented by Socrates as a technique for twisting a discussion for comprehension of the truth in a clash of different opinions. Common features (humanistic themes, teaching personal and public virtues) and differences (eristic and rhetoric instead of maieutics / dialectics, "ascholia" instead of "schola") of sophists’ and Socrates’ activities are outlined in the paper. The author concludes, that it was Antiquity when and where maieutics had acquired features of invariance, and entered the "great time" of culture as inevitable part of educational process.
The paper deals with the clarifying of ethical potential of maieutics as an educational method in the Western culture. The work with primary sources of Xenophon and Plato is mediated by their reception by the history of prominent researchers of the ancient philosophy, such as A. F. Losev, V. F. Asmus, F. Kh. Kessidyi and others. Elaborated by Socrates, the method of maieutics is exposed in prospects of its content and form (methodology). Maieutics makes possible the comprehension of the key issues for virtue life while discussing matters from real moral practice (virtue, goodness, justice, bravery, courage). The author mentions that Xenophon and Plato as disciples of Socrates give us the relevant primary sources about Socrates’ life, activity and method, although they represent them in different ways. Xenophon outlines the image of Socrates as a good-natured eccentric man, while striving for Socrates’ posthumous rehabilitation among Athenians. Instead of this, Plato represents Socrates as a rebel, who confused young people: he put a question, demonstrated its complexity, and after that he ended up in trouble. Thereafter Socrates’ interlocutor himself collapsed into embarrassment, without a ready recipe of a "right answer" from Socrates, who saw his mission to help an interlocutor to comprehend oneself, to recollect one’s own hidden knowledge and to fix it. The author argues that maieutics is a version of a dialectical method that was represented by Socrates as a technique for twisting a discussion for comprehension of the truth in a clash of different opinions. Common features (humanistic themes, teaching personal and public virtues) and differences (eristic and rhetoric instead of maieutics / dialectics, "ascholia" instead of "schola") of sophists’ and Socrates’ activities are outlined in the paper. The author concludes, that it was Antiquity when and where maieutics had acquired features of invariance, and entered the "great time" of culture as inevitable part of educational process.
Сократ, Ксенофонт, Платон, майєвтика, повивальне мистецтво, діалектика, чеснота, діалог, школа, стаття, Socrates, Xenophon, Plato, maieutics, midwife art, dialectics, virtue, dialogue, school
Рогожа М. М. Майєвтика: до проблеми методів навчання в західній культурі (філософсько-етичний аспект) / Марія Рогожа // Університетська кафедра. - 2017. - № 6. - С. 7-14.