Ukraine's New Government Possibility of Progress or Another Pre-Term Election in Sight?
Haran, Oleksii
Sydorchuk, Oleksii
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Two and a half years after the Euromaidan revolution, Ukraine represents a mixed story of
improvements and setbacks. In April 2016, a new cabinet was formed under Prime
Minister Volodymyr Groysman. So far, it is struggling to meet the expectations both of
society and Ukraine’s foreign partners.
The ongoing military conflict in the Donbas aside, popular demand for change remains
high across Ukraine. A persistent energy emanates from Ukraine’s pro-European civil
society, even while progress on key reforms remains uneven. The high quality of newlyadopted
legislation contrasts sharply with its weak implementation.
Although hope is high, trust in political actors continues to fall. While Groysman and
President Petro Poroshenko are close, the disintegration of the parliament’s pro-European
coalition has significantly reduced their support base, forcing them to work with nonaligned
and “oligarchic” members of parliament.
While the political opposition demands another round of pre-term elections, authorities
would like to avoid it, arguing that elections would destabilize the country and play into
the hands of Vladimir Putin.
political life, the Euromaidan revolution, government, coalition, Ukraine, Ukrainian politics, Petro Poroshenko, article
Haran O. Ukraine's New Government Possibility of Progress or Another Pre-Term Election in Sight? / Olexiy Haran, Oleksii Sydorchuk // Ukraine in the Poroshenko Era: the Politics of Power, Reform, and War / PONARS Eurasia Policy Perspectives, September 2017. - 2017. - P. 39-43.