Лінгвальне віддзеркалення оцінного ставлення до опонента в контексті перейменувальної кампанії

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Кирилюк, Ольга
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У статті йдеться про особливості мовного віддзеркалення взаємного ставлення учасників дискусії в умовах обговорення суспільно-політичної ситуації. У ході аналізу окреслено основні психологічні прийоми маніпуляцій суспільною думкою за допомогою мовних одиниць. Встановлено екстра- та інтралінгвальні чинники, що впливають на вибір того чи того номінатива.
The renaming of population areas in Ukraine within the framework of the “decommunization law” took place with distinct features of the mental confrontation, which was caused by the duality of ideological categories, in particular, the category “own - alien”. Therefore, the same events and the facts depending on the ideological views of the speaker were represented by different names. The peculiarities of the choice and use of these names and their ability to reflect the evaluative attitude of the opponent are of special interest to the researchers and determine the relevance of the chosen direction of the study. Purpose. The purpose is to investigate the psycholinguistic peculiarities of the linguo-mental representation of the evaluative attitude towards the opponent in the context of the renaming discourse. Methods. Among the general scientific methods, the method of direct observation was chosen during the research, which helped to identify the main extralingual factors of the renaming discourse. Contextual-interpretative and descriptive methods were selected from the main philological ones, which provided an opportunity to identify lexemes used to express the evaluative attitude to the opponent and to make the description of them. Results. The renaming campaign was mainly based on the confrontation “new - old”. The “new” is introduced by the concept “Ukrainian”, while the “old” is represented by two categories - a) the preservation of the Soviet name; b) the return of the imperial one. The first category is represented by markers, expressed with the help of such lexemes as “holiness”, “patronage of the saint”, “patronage”, “guard”, “Christianity”. The second category includes the lexemes that in the speaker’s consciousness have only negative connotations: “war”, “Russian world”, “aggression”, “terrorism”, “weapon”, “occupation”, “murder”, “death”, “automatic weapons”, “separatism”, “empire”, “cruelty”, “captivity”, “imperial trace”. Discussion (conclusions and perspectives). Thus, linguistic units become an active means of manipulating human consciousness during socio-political confrontation; language actively reacts to the political processes by the appearance of a significant number of neologisms and occasionalisms, as well as an increase in the number of lexical meanings of ready-made nominative units.
The renaming of population areas in Ukraine within the framework of the “decommunization law” took place with distinct features of the mental confrontation, which was caused by the duality of ideological categories, in particular, the category “own - alien”. Therefore, the same events and the facts depending on the ideological views of the speaker were represented by different names. The peculiarities of the choice and use of these names and their ability to reflect the evaluative attitude of the opponent are of special interest to the researchers and determine the relevance of the chosen direction of the study. Purpose. The purpose is to investigate the psycholinguistic peculiarities of the linguo-mental representation of the evaluative attitude towards the opponent in the context of the renaming discourse. Methods. Among the general scientific methods, the method of direct observation was chosen during the research, which helped to identify the main extralingual factors of the renaming discourse. Contextual-interpretative and descriptive methods were selected from the main philological ones, which provided an opportunity to identify lexemes used to express the evaluative attitude to the opponent and to make the description of them. Results. The renaming campaign was mainly based on the confrontation “new - old”. The “new” is introduced by the concept “Ukrainian”, while the “old” is represented by two categories - a) the preservation of the Soviet name; b) the return of the imperial one. The first category is represented by markers, expressed with the help of such lexemes as “holiness”, “patronage of the saint”, “patronage”, “guard”, “Christianity”. The second category includes the lexemes that in the speaker’s consciousness have only negative connotations: “war”, “Russian world”, “aggression”, “terrorism”, “weapon”, “occupation”, “murder”, “death”, “automatic weapons”, “separatism”, “empire”, “cruelty”, “captivity”, “imperial trace”. Discussion (conclusions and perspectives). Thus, linguistic units become an active means of manipulating human consciousness during socio-political confrontation; language actively reacts to the political processes by the appearance of a significant number of neologisms and occasionalisms, as well as an increase in the number of lexical meanings of ready-made nominative units.
симулякри, новотвори, конотація, внутрішня семантика, антиномія, ментальні кореляти, стаття, simulacra, innovations, connotation, internal semantics, antinomy, mental correlates
Кирилюк О. Л. Лінгвальне віддзеркалення оцінного ставлення до опонента в контексті перейменувальної кампанії / Ольга Кирилюк // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць / відп. ред. В. Ожоган ; Нац. ун-т "Києво-Могилянська академія". - Київ : Дух і Літера, 2017. - Вип. 3. - С. 29-35.