Сучасний топонімний ландшафт України: між пам'яттю і спогадом

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Демська, Орися
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The transformation of the Ukrainian place-names began in 1991 and it has two main waves. The first wave of the toponymic transformation continued from 1991 till the beginning of the XXI century; located in the West Ukraine mainly; had intuitive nature; was conditioned of the local history; was determined by the regional intellectual elites; and was realized through the three main social practices. These practices are 1) conternaming or substitution of the Soviet place-names by Ukrainian; 2) restoration or remembrance of the old place-names; and 3) legitimization the local used forms of the place-names. All these three practices took place in the same time with the process of the conservation of the Soviet place-names in Ukraine, especially in the East and South. The second wave of the toponymic transformation is the result of the Revolution of Dignity 2013/14. Unlike of the first the second wave is legally justified and closely connected within the de-communization activities and processes. The law “On the Condemnation of Communism and the National Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes in Ukraine and the Prohibition of Propaganda of Their Symbols” only describes what names must be changed but it does not specify how to name the street, village, or town. That’s why we speak about the memory which contains the Soviet past in the case of the first wave, especially in the conservation and less in the conternaming; and about the remembrance in the case of the second wave, especially in the restoration and legitimization.
plase-name, toponymic transformation, memory, remembrance, de-communization, стаття
Демська Орися Мар'янівна. Сучасний топонімний ландшафт України: між пам'яттю і спогадом / Орися Демська // Slavia Orientalis. - 2016. - T. LXV, Nr. 3. - S. 601-611.