Окання машівського типу
Дика, Людмила
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У статті на матеріалі діалектних текстів говірки села Машеве Чорнобильського району Київської області розглянуто приклади вживання о на місці етимологічного а, підкреслено регулярність,
системність і стійкість цієї риси; проаналізовано різні погляди щодо походження і давності окання в середньополіських говірках.
In the article considers some examples of hypercorrect use of [o] in the place of etymological a, based
on the material of dialectal texts from Masheve village of Chornobyl district, Kyiv region; regularity, system
character and stability of this feature are shown; different views on the origin and age of okannya in Middle
Polissian dialect are analyzed.
Stability of okannya appears in records which are carried out almost half a century after the researches
of Tetyana Nazarova. For the last 50 years the Masheve local dialect had little influence of standard
Ukrainian, standard Russian, and nearby local dialects without okannya. This repeated research of the
Masheve local dialect specified the maintainance of [o] in unaccented syllables, in prefixes and prepositions,
in verbal forms and adverbial participial suffixes. Exceptions are presented in the cases when unaccented
[a] defines certain grammatical category in the forms of nouns, adjectives and in adverbs. We see shaking
loose of (deviation from) dialectal norm primary in frequent words which are common for both Ukrainian
and Russian languages; it is characteristic mainly for speech of men. Deviation from the dialectal norm is
noticeable also in the proper names, especially in the personal names and names of countries, which are
widely used today. Non-parallel forms appear in loan-words of low frequency.
Examples in which [o] replaces any unstressed vowel (окони, оконостас) testify to the system character,
obligatoryness and prevalence of this phenomenon. Stability of okannya in Chornobyl local dialects can be
explained by the specific character of their phonological system. Hypothesis about hypercorrect use of [o],
which was defended by Tetyana Nazarova at one time, requires additional arguments. Prevalence of okannya
only in Chornobyl local dialects, stability of forms with [o] during long period of time confirms suppositions
of Yuri Shevelyov about common Slavic character of okannya. Researches of history of the main dialectal
features of certain areas give the possibility to find out factors which are the most instrumental in the
maintenance of dialectal features, as well as trace the tendencies in dynamics of the dialectal systems which
result in their transformation.
гіперизм, окання, акання, середньополіський говір, чорнобильські говірки, hypercorrect forms, okannya, akannya, Middle Polissian dialect, Chornobyl local dialects
Дика Людмила Василівна. Окання машівського типу / Дика Л. В. // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Філологічні науки : (мовознавство). - 2016. - Т. 189. - С. 30-33.