Семантико-рольова організація публічного дискурсу

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Куранова, Світлана
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Статтю присвячено загальній проблемі семантико-рольової організації записів у соціальній мережі Facebook як окремому жанрі публічного дискурсу. Зокрема, визначено типові стратегії, тактики та прийоми семантико-рольової побудови такого типу дискурсу.
Article dedicated to the problem of role semantic organization of Facebook posts as a public discourse genre. For the first time role analysis of public discourse is aimed to describe semantic peculiarities of language genre. On the basis of role semantic description the dynamic organization of public discourse on the semantic role level is scrutinized. Through role semantic modeling dynamic characteristics of public discourse build-up is dedicated. Role semantic strategies on the level of speech events are singled out and functionally described. Role semantic layer of discourse analysis was initially introduced by the author in her previous works. Now it is expanded and detailed by her in the realm of the language activity units (speech act, speech move, speech exchange, speech event) functioning in public discourse. The author carries out detailed research and describes role semantic configurations in the unites of public discourse, including such semantic roles as Agent, Patient, Instrument, Beneficiary, Experiencer, Causer, Goal, Object, Locative, Result, Translative, etc. The result of role semantic analysis gives the author the possibility to come to the conclusion that there exist the possibility to describe language personality at the role semantic level, singling out certain role semantic configurations and their chains pertinent to ascertain language personality. The use of the {to be Translative_Translative_Patient} testifies to the tendency to explaining of the essence of the object. Such tendencies are in general pertinent to the discourse of D. Cameron. On the lineal level 32 % of the general numbers of strategies use are agents’ strategies (Agent_Patient, Agent_Beneficiary, Agent_Result). On the lineal level we also observe Patient, Beneficiary, Locative and Instrumental strategies which are realized in the public discourse of D. Cameron approximately in the same quantity (18 %, 16 %, 15 %, 14 % correspondingly). Usually those strategies are conveyed through non-complicated tactics: the corresponding role semantic configurations have got only one semantic role. A detailed role semantic analysis of public discourse of a language personality can bring substantial characteristics of the ways how the content is realized.
дискурс, семантичні ролі, пропозиція, мовленнєвий жанр, стратегії, тактики, прийоми, discourse, semantic roles, proposition, language genre, strategy, tactics, device
Куранова Світлана Іванівна. Семантико-рольова організація публічного дискурсу / Куранова С. І. // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Філологічні науки : (мовознавство). - 2016. - Т. 189. - С. 67-71.