Koliushko, IhorTymoshchuk, ViktorBanchuk, OleksandrIshchenko, YuriyZalizniak, PetroKurinniy, OleksiyPukhtetska, AllaStoyan, ValentynaShaipov, ArtemBekeshkina, Iryna2010-05-262010-05-262009Corruption risks in the fields of administrative services and control-supervision activities of public administration in Ukraine / [Ihor Koliushko, Viktor Tymoshchuk, Oleksandr Banchuk….; Iryna Bekeshkina]; Centre for Political and Legal Reforms of Ukraine, Democratic Initiatives Foundation. – K.:[Moskalenko O. M.], 2009.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/782The subject report presents the results of the study of risks of corruption in two spheres of activities of public administration bodies, such as delivery of administrative services and control and supervision. The above was the purpose of desk study of potential risks of corruption, development of recommendations concerning the elimination (minimization) thereof, and also, assessment of the relevance of subject risks and proposed recommendations using survey (polling) of the public, focus groups with entrepreneurs and extended interviews with public officials of central and local government bodies.enкорупціяbookCorruption risks in the fields of administrative services and control-supervision activities of public administration in UkraineКорупційні ризики надання адміністративних послуг та контрольно-наглядової діяльності в УкраїніBook