Андрощук, ГеннадійДорошенко, Олександр2024-04-222024-04-222023Андрощук Г. О. Патентна програма pro bono: зарубіжний досвід для України / Геннадій Андрощук, Олександр Дорошенко // Теорія і практика інтелектуальної власності. - 2023. - № 4/5. - С. 51-60. - https://doi.org/10.33731/4-52023.2896402519-27442308-0361https://doi.org/10.33731/4-52023.289640https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/29117The foreign practice of providing free legal assistance in the field of intellectual property (IP), in particular patent law, in the USA, the EU, and the WIPO Inventors Assistance Program was studied. The economic and legal aspects of the organization of activities under the Patent Pro Bono program, its effectiveness, were considered, and recommendations were made for the introduction of this experience into the IP law system of Ukraine. The Patent Pro Bono Program is a nationwide network of independent regional programs coordinated by the US Patent and Trademark Office that pairs volunteer practitioners with inventors to secure patent protection. Together they cover the entire country. As part of the Patent Pro Bono program, more than 3,800 inventors have found a patent specialist. Since 2015, these lawyers have filed nearly 2,000 patent applications on behalf of their clients on a pro bono basis. The WIPO Inventors Assistance Program helps inventors and small businesses with limited resources turn their innovations into commercial assets. EUIPO's European pro bono program covers virtually all aspects and services of intellectual property, including assistance with applications for patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyright, plant varieties, geographical indications, trade secrets and domain names, as well as licensing, enforcement, franchising , technical transfer of IP rights. It is necessary to create a nationwide network of independently managed Pro Bono programs - Patent Pro Bono Program, which is coordinated by the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation, a coordinating council, translate a special online course for inventors developed by WIPO, best practice guides, use the experience and opportunities of the Assistance Program WIPO inventors. This issue is particularly relevant in connection with the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the introduction of martial law, as well as the need to develop a strategy for Ukraine's post-war recovery. The war led to a burst of technical creativity of the creative part of Ukrainian society, as a result of which a large number of technical solutions were created aimed at improving samples of weapons and military equipment, means of protecting the civilian population, etc.У статті досліджено зарубіжну практику надання безоплатної юридичної допомоги pro bono у сфері інтелектуальної власності (ІВ), зокрема патентного права, в США, Канаді, ЄС, Програму допомоги винахідникам ВОІВ. Розглянуто економіко-правові аспекти організації діяльності за програмою Patent Pro Bono в США, її ефективність. З 2015 року понад 3,8 тис. винахідників знайшли спеціаліста з патентів, вони подали майже 2 тис. патентних заявок на безоплатній основі. Вироблено рекомендації щодо запровадження цього досвіду, за підтримки Українського національного офісу інтелектуальної власності та інновацій, у системі права ІВ України.ukінтелектуальна власністьвинахідникпатентдопомога pro bonoпатентний повіренийстаттяintellectual propertyinventorpatentpro bono assistancepatent attorneyПатентна програма pro bono: зарубіжний досвід для УкраїниPro bono patent program: foreign experience for UkraineArticle