Krus, AntoninaTarasova, Elena2012-11-282012-11-282012Krus A. Environmental projects implementation effectiveness in business structures within the corporate social responsibility / Antonina Krus, Olena Tarasova // Economics for ecology ISCS'2012: 18th International scientific conference, Sumy, Аpril 27-30, 2012 / Ред. кол.: Д.О. Смоленніков, А.С. Лавриненко. - Суми : СумДУ, 2012. - C. 75-76. economic growth impacts our environment and consequently ecosystem services greatly. Recognizing the value and the need for conservation of ecosystem services is essential to business, the latter can reduce the risks as well as provide new opportunities for further development. It is quite possible that business can become a leading sector in environmental protection. As social corporate responsibility (CSR) in Ukraine becomes more and more popular, companies implement projects on energy efficiency, climate change, green building, and biodiversity conservation. However, the projects’ effectiveness should undergo assessment in order to prevent green-washing. This research aims at evaluating the companies’ performance in environmental projects implementation within the CSR. Its another attempt is to prove that environmental projects are a new trend that could become an effective tool for environmental protection.enbusinessenvironmental protectionsocial corporate responsibilityecologyUkraineбізнесохорона навколишнього середовищакорпоративна соціальна відповідальністьекологіяУкраїнаEnvironmental projects implementation effectiveness in business structures within the corporate social responsibilityConference materials