Бойченко, М.2017-05-262017-05-262016Бойченко М. І. Основні напрями визначення інституційних аспектів функціонування української мови (філософське осмислення) / Бойченко М. І. // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2016. - Вип. 2. - С. 430-443.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11355This article is dedicated to revealing the pragmatic path between two ideological extremes: linguistic purism and linguistic promiscuity. Like any language creating, Ukrainian is not always indisputable, however this creating as a fact and attracting to the controversy as supporters of linguistic innovation, so their ardent opponents, show the scale and irreversibility of language processes, and — the need to identify suitable frames for its proceeding. The last will contribute to its adequate perception in society and in the professional environment of philologists and specialists in terminology of the special sciences. But the main thing — it can lead to much more effective language creating itself as a healthy, natural development of the Ukrainian language. Indeed, it is enough just not to hinder its further internal structuring and enriching, its wider usage in literature, education, science and the media. It should clearly distinguish the study of any language at two strands that are equally important for its understanding: language as a social institution and language as a symbolic system. As a symbolic system 443 language is always a self-contained universe, while as a social institution it is always a part of a greater whole — above all, the institutional structure of society, a social system — and therefore in its functioning depends on them. There are analyzed the basic institutional aspects of the Ukrainian language and their importance and main areas of their research: 1) institutional values as a significant content of institutional conscience, 2) institutional action and communication, 2) institutional relations, 3) 4) institutional norms and 5) institutional organizations. It is discovered institutional potential impact of language on social change. Attempt to deliberately discover the potential of the institutional dimension of language is useful to consolidate certain social achievements — even more, by institutional language resources to try to initiate or catalyze important social processes. The issues of interdependence between the institutional processes and language creating as a living language development become particular social and scientific importance. Modern Ukrainian language, according to the recent turbulent social events in Ukraine, and taking in account the current social linguistic situation, is an excellent example to study whether all important aspects of the aforementioned relationship of language and social processes — and not only for the Ukrainian-speakers.Статтю присвячено виявленню прагматичного шляху між двома ідеологічними крайнощами: мовним пуризмом та мовною нерозбірливістю. Проаналізовано основні інституційні аспекти функціонування української мови, значущість та основні напрями їхнього дослідження. Виявлено потенціал інституційного впливу мови на соціальні зміни.ukукраїнська мовамова як соціальний інститутінституційні аспекти функціонування мовимовотвореннямовний пуризммовна нерозбірливістьцінностісоціальний досвідмова свободиUkrainian languagelanguage as a social institutioninstitutional aspects of languagelanguage creatinglinguistic purismlanguage promiscuityvaluessocial experiencethe language of freedomОсновні напрями визначення інституційних аспектів функціонування української мови (філософське осмислення)Trends of the definition of institutional aspects of Ukrainian language functioning (philosophical reflection)Article