Zvieriev, Ievgen2019-03-142019-03-142018Zvieriev I. Legal Interpretation in Post-truth Society: Ukrainian Case / Ievgen Zvieriev // Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal. - 2018. - No. 4. - P. 81-98.2414-9942https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15280https://doi.org/10.18523/kmlpj153253.2018-4.81-98Since Euromaidan and the beginning of annexation of Crimea and hostilities in the East of Ukraine post-truth was not much in focus of Ukrainian scholars. The events mentioned above have pulled the trigger of interest to the term in international scholarly world. Ukraine was not an exception in this situation. Having suffered through the consequences of post-truth practical application, Ukrainians have much to say on the matter of post-truth description and on the matter of dealing with it. My specific interest concerned the area of law, and this article focuses on the role post-truth plays in legal fields. I go over the basic ideas of post-truth, analyze its origin and influence, as well as provide examples of its legal application in Ukrainian environment.enpost-truthlegal interpretationUkrainestudentsmunicipal officialsarticleLegal Interpretation in Post-truth Society: Ukrainian CaseArticle