Демська, Орися2018-11-052018-11-052018Демська О. М. Мовні конфлікти з перспективи лінгвоконфліктології / Орися Демська // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Мовознавство. - 2018. - Т. 1. - С. 69-74.2617-2615https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14598https://doi.org/10.18523/2616-8502.2018.69-74Стаття започатковує дослідження в галузі української лінгвоконфліктології. Розглянуто три групи конфліктів, у межах яких безпосередньо або опосередковано з’являється мова. Залежно від того, чи мова є засадничим елементом конфлікту, чи лише принагідно слугує конфліктові, йдеться про конфлікт у мові, мовний конфлікт і конфлікт, пов’язаний з мовою. Кожен із типів конфлікту проілюстровано прикладами з внутрішньої та зовнішньої історії української мови.Europe knows conflicts very well. One of these conflicts has a language character and is the result of the language contacts. The conflict is a phenomenon of the modern society and means "a struggle over values or claims to status, power, and scarce resources, in which the aims of the conflicting parties are not only to gain desired values but also to neutralize, injure or eliminate their rival" (Coser, 2002, p. 106). B. Moormann-Kimáková identifies two types of the linguistic conflicts: "conflicts involving language as their primary motive, as well as conflicts involving language, but not necessarily being motivated by "language issues" (Moormann-Kimáková, 2014, p. 8). M. Wingender analyzes three different types of the conflicts with language: "Konflikt in Sprache / conflict in the language – Konflikt über Sprache / language conflict – Konflikt mittels Sprache / language-related conflict". In the Ukrainian language, the strongest example of the conflict in the language comprises the lexical and grammatical transformations during the Soviet russification period, when the structure of Ukrainian was accommodated to Russian. The language conflict in Ukraine is the long duration conflict between the Ukrainian language and the Russian language. And the language-related conflict occurred around the Ukrainian Education Law in 2017. It was a situation of resource-political-value language-related conflict: for Hungary, this is a language-related resource conflict; for the EU – language-related political conflict; for the Ukrainian society – language-related value conflict. Knowing the nature of different types of linguistic conflicts helps better understand the situation and to protect the conflict. All of these shape the base of the linguoconflictology.ukмоваконфліктмовний конфліктлінгвоконфліктологіястаттяlanguageconflictlinguistic conflictlinguoconflictologyМовні конфлікти з перспективи лінгвоконфліктологіїLanguage conflicts in linguoconflictology perspectiveArticle