Курило, Ирина2018-05-242018-05-242017Курило И. Рождаемость по очередности рождения в Украине: структурные сдвиги последнего пятнадцатилетия / Ирина Курило // Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico-Practică "Creşterea economică în cond iţiile globalizării". Sesiunea științifică "Dinamica populației și calitatea potențialului uman", ediția a XII-a, 12-13 octombrie 2017, Chişinău / com. org. Alexandru Stratan (preşedinte) [et al.]. - Chişinău : INCE, 2017. - P. 75-81.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13092The article is aimed to analyze the parity-specific fertility and its structural changes in Ukraine over 15 year period. In general, in this period the share of second and subsequent births has increased as well as the average birth order. It was found out that the most significant advantageous structural changes in the birth rate by birth order were related to the period from 2006 to 2012. At this time in Ukraine, the frequency of the second and third birth order was increasing at a faster rate. The strengthening of advantageous structural changes in fertility during this period was facilitated by the intensification of the pronatalist policy in Ukraine. It was revealed also a noticeable effect of changes in the average maternal age on the values of the calendar birth rate (tempo-effect) for first births. Regarding second births tempo-effect was more significant in the first five years of the current century, but with time its influence experienced attenuation.rubirth rate by birth orderstructural changes in fertilityindex of structural changesaverage birth ordertempo-effectthesisРождаемость по очередности рождения в Украине: структурные сдвиги последнего пятнадцатилетияConference materials