Bernatska, JuliaHolod, Petro2009-10-122009-10-122007Bernatska Julia. On Separation of Variables for Integrable Equations of Soliton Type / Julia Bernatska, Petro Holod. // Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. - 2007. - Vol. 14, N 3. - P. 345-366. propose a general scheme for separation of variables in the integrable Hamilto- nian systems on orbits of the loop algebra sl(2;C)£P(¸; ¸¡1). In particular, we illus- trate the scheme by application to modi¯ed Korteweg|de Vries (MKdV), sin(sinh)- Gordon, nonlinear SchrÄodinger, and Heisenberg magnetic equations.enMKdV systemsin-Gordon equationsnonlinear Schroedinger equationHeisenberg magnetic chainOn Separation of Variables for Integrable Equations of Soliton TypeArticle