Костюк, Віктор2018-01-152018-01-152017Костюк В. Л. Страховий стаж: поняття, ознаки, види й тенденції удосконалення / Костюк В. Л. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. - 2017. - Т. 193. - С. 61-66.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12448У науковій статті досліджено проблеми страхового стажу крізь призму новітнього законодавства. Акцентовано увагу на теоретико-правовому аналізі підходів до розуміння сутності, ознак страхового стажу, стану законодавчого регулювання. Окреслено особливості законодавчого визначення страхового стажу, його основних елементів, особливості пенсійного страхування та інших видів соціального страхування. Зроблено висновок щодо поняття та особливостей страхового стажу, новітніх тенденцій удосконалення. Наголошено на необхідності кодифікації законодавства про соціальне забезпечення.The article reveals the problem of insurance in the light of the latest legislation. The attention focuses on the theoretical analysis of legal approaches to understanding the nature of the insurance signs and the state legislative regulation. The author outlines the features of the legal definition of insurance, its main elements, especially in the pension insurance, and other types of social insurance. It is emphasized that the adoption of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 14.01.1998 Basic Laws on compulsory social insurance is becoming a system of social insurance. In the content of the Fundamentals of compulsory state social insurance, there is a system of rights, obligations, and guarantees, which provides social protection, including material support for citizens in case of illness, complete, partial or temporary disability, widowhood, unemployment beyond these circumstances, in old age, and in other cases provided by law, at the expense of funds generated by the insurance contributions owner or authorized body, individuals, the budget, and other sources provided by law. The conclusion summarize the concepts and features of insuranceand the latest trends for improvement. Insurance covers the period of employment or other socially useful activity, another period (time) during which the subject of compulsory state social insurance usually pays for it or pays fees accrued (calculated) and according to the procedure established by law. The main features of insurance include the identification sign stands insured in social insurance; a legal fact which proves the possibility of implementing the rights of insured persons in social security; contributes to changes in relationships with social security; includes periods of work or other socially useful activity entity; provides for the payment of the insured or her insurance contributions to social insurance funds; may be charged to insured persons on compulsory and voluntary basis; calculated using a special formula; allows for the isolation factor of insurance; confirmed by the competent authority for social insurance; accrued and calculated usually in months; including seniority in accordance with the law; nalyadu subject, control and jurisdiction protection. It is emphasized that the process of further strengthening the social insurance system provides for improvement of insurance by improving the efficiency of legislative regulation on the periods included in insurance; conditions and procedures for payment of premiums; conditions and procedures for contribution in the compulsory and voluntary health insurance; conditions, procedure of calculation, verification and proof of insurance; state supervision and control on insurance; public control on insurance; settlement of disputes with insurance. Implementation the reformed Social Security in Ukraine requires the development and adoption of the draft of the Social Code of Ukraine as a basic law on these issues.ukсоціальне забезпеченнятрудовий стажсоціальне страхуванняпенсійне страхуваннястрахові внескистраховий стажстаттяsocial securitysenioritySocial InsurancePension InsurancepremiumsinsuranceСтраховий стаж: поняття, ознаки, види й тенденції удосконаленняInsurance: concept, features, types and trends of improvementArticle