Tertychka, Valerii2017-05-242017-05-242013Monitoring and Evaluation in Strategic Public Management as tools of Sustainable Development: Case for ARC (Ukraine) / Valerii Tertychka // Good Governance at Local Self-Goverment: Democracy, Decentralization, Development : presented papers from the 2nd International Scientific-Practical Conference, Siauliai, Lithuania, October 18-19, 2013https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11321M & E examined in the context of strategic public management at the local self-government level as regarded as an essential and integral component. Short characteristic of legislative field of local self-government for M & E. In article describe the system, objects, types and approaches of evaluation of M & E. Evaluation criteria and indicators: specific for level of local self-government. Make the characteristic of stakeholders analysis – how it support for M & E. Classification of program implementation indicators, programs for community development and coordination issues between state (public-goal) programs and local self-government programs. Singled out some barriers, obstacles and strengths, weaknesses of M & E.enmonitoringпрепринтpreprintevaluationstrategic public managementtypes of evaluationindicatorsMonitoring and Evaluation in Strategic Public Management as tools of Sustainable Development: Case for ARC (Ukraine)Preprint