Білик, Я.2017-05-262017-05-262016Білик, Я. С. Об'єктні прийменникові конструкції : семантичне і функційне варіювання / Білик Я. С. // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2016. - Вип. 2. - С. 242-251.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11381The article is dedicated to consideration of prepositional verbal constructions with objective semantic by the relation in the eastern-steppe dialects of Donetsk, which will be realized by genitive, dative, accusative and instrumental cases of nominal component construction. Semantic variation is predetermined object syntaxemes first semantic nature predicate. According to the nature of the predicate in the object syntaxema are the following Semantic options: object action state object, object-relation quality features, object locative predicate action. The basic version of the semantic object syntaxemes syntaxema serves the function of the object of action, which fully reflect the originality of the semantic objective’s category. 251 Common in the eastern steppe dialects is a phrase from to + Gen. the actual object under which action aimed at subordinating verb object. Phrase with at + Acc. and by + Acc. parallel to act of as + Acc with verbs meaning of the most common messages and care. Construction of for + Gen in language practice rarely recorded. It primarily answers to direct questions. In the studied object relation dialects of construction with the preposition of is very rare. Found some examples of phrases with by + Acc. the function of the object or expression comparison mainly with verbs that are important treatment, divination, healing, and indicate psychological state experiences caring. Such designs are often synonymous with near + Acc. or at + Acc. Quite a mixed picture of the structure are in (in) + Acc., characterized by the presence synonymous doublets. Is also used in the construction of (in) + Acc. parallel to the object as among + Acc., jn the + Abl. / Voc. In designs with under + Acc. in the eastern steppe dialects with their own ways of object observed most common and general purpose of the proposed design. In some cases they become the object-spatial relations.Статтю присвячено розгляду прийменникових дієслівних конструкцій з об’єктними семантичними відношенням у східностепових говірках Донеччини, які реалізуються за допомогою родового, давального, знахідного та орудного відмінків іменного компонента конструкції.ukverbal word combinationsnominal componentprepositional objective constructionsдієслівні словосполученняіменний компонентприйменникові об’єктні конструкціїОб'єктні прийменникові конструкції : семантичне і функційне варіюванняPrepositional objective constructions: semantic and functional varyingArticle