Камінський, АндрійГусак, Андрій2024-06-192024-06-192024https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/29920Purpose; the goal of this study is to provide a thorough examination of fundraising in Ukraine, concentrating on its fundamental principles, existing approaches, and future trends. By combining insights from academic literature, econometric analysis of real contemporary data, and forecasting based on a VAR model, the study aims to improve our understanding of fundraising dynamics, methods, and ethical considerations.en-USfundraisingphilanthropydigitalizationtechnological advancementsethical considerationsdata analyticsмагістерська роботаEconometric analysis of the dynamics of fundraising development in UkraineЕконометричний аналіз динаміки розвитку фандрейзингу в УкраїніOther