Диса, Катерина2017-02-222017-02-222016Диса К. Л. Становлення і розвиток клубної культури у радянському і пострадянському Києві (1960-1990-ті рр.) / Диса К. Л. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Історичні науки. - 2016. - Т. 182. - С. 56-61.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10967Although music clubs became a usual part of Kyiv’s everyday life only in the 1990s, one can still trace the development of club cultures in the city since much earlier times. With a closer study of this phenomenon it becomes clear that the club culture had existed in the city well before the 1990s, evolving around music events that had been organised since the 1960s. At first the experiment with music clubs in the city where jazz and big-bit music was played proved to be successful. However, the atmosphere of the places was too frivolous for the taste of authorities, and with the change of the political course in the 1970s, the cultural politics was also turning back, so all the these clubs seized to exist. The club cultures of the 1970s- ealry 1980s only fuctioned in the form of "kvartirnik" and informal gatherings of young people in such public places as streets and cafes. The end of the 1980s became a turning point-then, along with yet another change in the political course towards openness and democracy, experience of music gatherings in the life of youth, in particular of youth subcultures, became more intensive. The first "official" rock club was established in 1986. This club was under the control of the Comsomol organization, but despite this fact many rock groups sought to become members of this club, because it was the only opportunity to easily get an official permission to play for public. After 1988 the party control over culture grew weaker, and rock clubs were mushrooming all over the city in public places, such as Houses of Culture of educational institutions, factories, and various establishments. Rock clubs used to be the most successful and widespread in Kyiv. However, after the early 1990s ,music clubs of other music formats took over and gradually pushed away rock clubs to the margins.У статті проаналізовано історію зародження клубної культури Києва у добу "відлиги" і її розвиток і подальше оформлення наприкінці 1980-х - на початку 1990-х рр. Як приклад розглянуто київські рок-клуби: зокрема, специфіку їхньої взаємодії з радянською владою, впливи молодіжних субкультур на становлення цих клубів і особливості прилаштування до міського простору Києва.ukклубиКиївмолодіжні субкультуристаттяclub cultureKyivsubculturesСтановлення і розвиток клубної культури у радянському і пострадянському Києві (1960-1990-ті рр.)Establishment and development of club cultures in soviet and post-soviet Kyiv: 1960s–1990sArticle