Maltseva, Kateryna2024-01-252024-01-252022Maltseva K. S. Cognitive dimension of culture and social axioms: using methods of multidimensional analysis to research Ukrainian cultural beliefs about success and inequality / Kateryna Maltseva // Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. - 2022. - Vol. 6, Issue 3. - P. 305-323. - significance of cultural factors in the context of surveying cognitive processes, perception, emotions and mental health has long been acknowledged by social scientists. Shared collective belief systems represent one of the long established research foci in the social sciences. Presently studying the large cultural dimensions in their connections to individual predispositions and behavior is one of the core interests in cultural psychology as well as cognitively-oriented anthropology and sociology. To explore the patterned collective agreement in belief systems quantitatively, data reduction techniques is the strategy used most often and most successfully. The present study is premised on the principles of culture consensus model and uses cultural models framework to explain how Ukrainians view success and understand its prerequisites. The analysis is anchored in the cognitive dimension of the Ukrainian cultural worldview, specifically in the intersubjectively shared cultural assumptions (social axioms) regarding the opportunities for social advancement and their unequal distribution across different social groups. Based on the ISSP 2019 data set (N = 2001), the present study sought to uncover the content and organization of social axiomatic beliefs the Ukrainians have regarding the social characteristics facilitating self-advancement within a group, as well the degree of sharedness and homogeneity of these beliefs and their demographic correlates in the sample. The results converge on the four-factorial structure partitioning the "ingredients of success" into the categories of structural attributes, social capital, family background and individual agency.encultural beliefsinequalityinter-informant agreementmultidimensional scalesquantitative methodsarticleCognitive dimension of culture and social axioms: using methods of multidimensional analysis to research Ukrainian cultural beliefs about success and inequalityArticle