Шелехань, Олександр2017-07-232017-07-232017Шелехань О. В. Скіфська клинкова зброя в працях археологів київської школи / Шелехань О. В. // Магістеріум. - 2017. - Вип. 67 : Археологічні студії. - С. 54-59.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11838The article discusses the history of studies of Scythian swords and daggers by the researchers of Kyiv scientific school. The author critically analyzes the main theories referring to the general and particular questions of blade weapon research. The paper considers the questions of the origin and distribution and examines the problems of their usage in battles and in rituals. The question of the Scythian sword origin there are three main hypothesis outlined: Near East theory (by M. Rostovtsev and A. Meliukova), Central Asia theory (A. Terenozhkin, V. Murzin, V. Klochko), and North Caucasus theory (O. Lieskov, Ye. Chernenko, S. Skoryi, S. Makhortykh, Yu. Boltryk). The third version is considered as most common and scientifically grounded. The ritual function of swords an daggers was analyzed by S. Bessonova in the context of research of the Scythian religion. A philosophical search has a prominent place in the articles by Yu. Boltryk. Theoretical studies of military affairs were conducted by E. Chernenko and S. Skoryi. Since the beginning of the 21st century, researchers pay more attention to the interpretation of chance finds. S. Skoryi joins the debate about the Scythian routs to the Central Europe. Distribution of swords and daggers in the Black Sea region were analyzed by Yu. Boltryk. The general perspective shows the concept of studying weapon as a social and ethnic marker. Recently, researchers are increasingly paying attention to the possible ethno-cultural specifics of the Scythian weapon. The issue of social and ethnic interpretation were examined by S. Skoryi, D. Grechko and S. Makhortykh. Today most investigators assume that the Scythian nomads were the main carriers of blade weapon in the area of Eastern Europe Forest-Steppe.Статтю присвячено історії вивчення мечів та кинджалів скіфського часу дослідниками київ- ської школи археології.ukісторіографіякинджалмечклинкова зброяскіфський часhistoriographydaggerswordblade weaponscythian timeСкіфська клинкова зброя в працях археологів київської школиScythian blade weapon in the studies of archaeologists of kyiv scientific schoolArticle