Котенко, Вікторія2017-07-222017-07-222017Котенко В. В. Дослідження археологічної кераміки у 40-ві роки ХХ ст. в Україні / Котенко В. В. // Магістеріум. - 2017. - Вип. 67 : Археологічні студії. - С. 101-105.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11830The article discusses the evolution of views on archaeological ceramics in academic journals in the context of development of Ukrainian archaeological science in the 1940s. The second half of the 1930s reflected the rapid reorganization changes in Ukrainian science. In 1934 the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was established in Kyiv, which was reorganized into the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Science of the USSR in 1938. Characteristically, that special ceramics research was not a priority at that time, but some group of this material was introduced into scientific circulation. In the prewar years, the IA AS USSR published several collections of scientific works including, in particular, papers on ceramics. At this time there continued to prevail “Trypillia priorities” in the Soviet archaeology that emerged during the 1920–1930s. Another thematic priority during this period were antiquities, given the large amount of the accumulated information. World War II interrupted activities of the Institute of Archaeology of the AS USSR in Kyiv. After that, the institution continues its wide expeditionary activity and publishing. The second half of the 1940s, it actively studied ceramics of the Chernyakhivska culture and pottery of Lithuanian time. Studies of Slavic and Kyivan Rus pottery at the end of the 1940s were at the stage of accumulation of sources. Unlike the studies in previous years, the postwar period appeared the first analyses of ceramics of the Scythian period. It deserves noting that from the middle 1940s some perspective research of archaeological ceramics was also actively developed in the Lviv department of the Institute of Archaeology of the AS USSR. Despite the fact that the 1940s was a problematic time, it is worth noting the positive dynamics in the development of science in Ukraine. Researchers find new revolutionary methods of ceramics studies, which considerably expanded the informative potential and encouraged scientists to study the technology and features of ancient pottery that laid the foundation for modern ceramological studios.У статті розглянуто еволюцію поглядів на археологічну кераміку в академічних виданнях у кон- тексті розвитку української археологічної науки у 1940-х роках. Встановлено, що в цей час керамі- ка, будучи масовим археологічним матеріалом, виступала й окремим предметом дослідження.ukхронологіякерамікаперіодичні виданняархеологіякерамологіяісторія наукиchronologypotteryperiodicalsarchaeologyceramologyhistory of scienceДослідження археологічної кераміки у 40-ві роки ХХ ст. в УкраїніResearch of archaeological ceramics in the 1940s in UkraineArticle