Hryhoriev, Hennadii2021-04-092021-04-092020Hryhoriev H.S. Path dependence in sovereign debt modelling / Hryhoriev Hennadii // 3rd Annual Research Conference "Theory and practice of system dynamics in finance" : proceedings, December 7, 2020, Kyiv / ed. by Olena Primierova ; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Department of Finance, Center of Financial and Economic Research [et al.]. - Kyiv : [Інтерсервіс], 2020. - P. 20-25. purpose of this research is to implement one of the basic dynamic concepts - time path dependence, into sovereign debt sphere of analysis with the elaborating the appropriate model using the continuous dynamic model. One of the main questions, we are trying to answer is: "Is sovereign debt dynamic equilibrium (in Ukraine) stable, unstable or moving around?".ensovereign debteconomic outcometime path dependenceconference materialsPath dependence in sovereign debt modellingConference materials