Лучик, Василь2017-11-282017-11-282016https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12267Ancient macro- and microtoponyms play an important role in the establishment of the fatherland of the Slavs. Thus the entire complex of extra-linguistic and endo-linguistic factors must be taken into consideration in the process of searching the antique cradle of the Great Slavs as an ethnos.ukGreat Slavic languageGreat Slavic fatherlandetymologyorigintoponymsmicrotoponymsautochthonicстаттяРоль макро- і мікротопонімів у розв'язанні проблеми прабатьківщини слов'янThe role of macro- and microtoponyms in problems solving of the ancestral homeland of the SlavsArticle