Костюк, Віктор2019-05-182019-05-182018Костюк В. Л. Новації концепції соціально-правового статусу осіб з інвалідністю: науково-теоретичний аспект / В. Л. Костюк // Часопис Національного університету "Острозька академія". Серія "Право". - 2018. - № 1 (17). - [18 с.].https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15640У науковій статті досліджуються проблеми пов’язані із формуванням новітньої концепції соціально-правового статусу осіб з інвалідністю. Наголошено на ключових передумовах його розвитку в умовах декларування соціальних реформ, реформування соціального захисту. Відзначено вплив на соціально-правовий статус осіб з інвалідністю конституційного права на соціальний захист. Адже через соціальноправовий статус осіб з інвалідністю, право на соціальний захист розвивається та набуває реального змісту. Відзначено важливий плив на соціально-правовий статус міжнародних соціальних стандартів. Зроблено висновки та пропозиції.In the scientific article the problems associated with the formation of the modern concept of the social and legal status of persons with disabilities. Emphasized the key prerequisite for its development in a declaration of social reform, reform of social protection. The influence on the social and legal status of persons with disabilities constitutional right to social protection. Indeed, because of the social and legal status of persons with disabilities, the right to social security develops and acquires real content. An important influx of social and legal status of international social standards is noted. Thus, the social and legal status of persons with disabilities is a system of rights and related guarantees, privileges of persons with disabilities, implementation mechanisms, legal protection, and their responsibilities. The main features of the socio-legal status of persons with disabilities are the following: defines the legal status of persons with disabilities; the social and legal basis is the right to social protection; legal support is carried out on the basis of the provisions of the Constitution, international treaties, laws and other legislative acts of Ukraine; the key main content is the rights of persons with disabilities (social rights), as well as responsibilities (are exhaustive); the fundamental element of the system of social rights of persons with disabilities is the right to social protection (social security) and other closely related rights; the rights of persons with disabilities have a social nature and purpose; Supporting elements are: social guarantees and benefits; legal liability; procedural mechanisms for the implementation and legal protection of social rights. The basic principles of legislative provision of the social and legal status of persons with disabilities are the following: priority of the right to social protection and other social rights; Rule of Law; priority of legislative provision; the universality of social protection (social security); availability of social protection (social security); Exhaustion of the responsibilities of persons with disabilities; universality and accessibility of social guarantees and benefits. The basic social rights of persons with disabilities are the following: 1) constitutional social rights; 2) international social rights (international social standards); 3) a system of social rights, based on the norms of domestic domestic law, in particular: social rights in the system of state social protection (social security); social rights in the social insurance system; social rights in the system of non-state social protection (social security). The basic social rights of people with disabilities include: the right to social protection (social security); the right to social insurance; the right to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families; the right to health care, including health insurance; the right to rehabilitation and rehabilitation; the right to work, including the right to employment and employment; the right to a pension, including the right to pension insurance; the right to education; the right to social assistance; the right to social services, including the right to social services; the right to social benefits. The main trends in improving the socio-legal status of persons with disabilities are the following: 1) development of an inclusive society; 2) development and approval of the system of international social standards on the rights of persons with disabilities (taking into account the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities); 3) elaboration of the draft Code on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, taking into account international social standards, doctrinal developments of leading schools of social law, positions of civil society institutions; 4) adoption of the Code on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as a codified law in this area; 5) introduction of institutional state supervision and public control over the rights of persons with disabilities; 6) introduction of monitoring of the observance of the rights of persons with disabilities.ukправо на соціальний захистсоціальні праваміжнародні соціальні стандартиКонвенція ООН про права осіб з інвалідністюособа з інвалідністюсоціально-правовий статусстаттяthe right to social protectionsocial rightsinternational social standardsUN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilitiesperson with a disabilitysocio-legal statusНовації концепції соціально-правового статусу осіб з інвалідністю: науково-теоретичний аспект : [препринт]Innovations of the concept of the social and legal status of persons with disabilities: the scientific and theoretical aspectArticle