Капустін, Кирило2021-02-182021-02-182020Капустін К. М. Дослідження Вишгорода у 1936 р. / К. М. Капустін // Археологія і давня історія України. - 2020. - Вип. 1 (34). - С. 132-151.2227-4952https://doi.org/10.37445/adiu.2020.01.09https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19554Проаналізовано архівні й фондові матеріали з розкопок Вишгорода 1936 р., уточнено хронологію, місце розташування житлових, господарських споруд і поховальних комплексів, а також датування речових знахідок із культурно-хронологічних горизонтів давньоруського, золотоординського та нового часів.The archives and archaeological materials from excavations in Vyshgorod in 1936 are analysed in the paper. This year the large-scale excavations were conducted on the territory of the old city: near the church of st. Borys and Hlib, two sites in the northeast part of the hillfort and few trenches in different parts of the town. The obtained results correlate with the reports of the narrative sources and indicate the significant development of the city in the period from the 11th to the mid-13th century. The rapid development of the city occurs at that time: the mausoleum of Sts. Borys and Hlib (explored in 1935—1936) becomes the main architectural dominant of the city area. A city square with dwellings and outbuildings were located around the church. The analysis of the archival materials and artefacts from the excavations in 1936 made it possible to clarify and re-examine the allegations established in the works of the mid-20th century. The author proves that discovered objects have different chronology. For example, dwellings, outbuilding, pits and sacral building of the 11th—13th centuries are pit 1 (site 1), the foundations and remains of the walls of the church of Sts. Borys and Hlib (site 1; site W) and oven 1 (site 4). The ones dated by the middle of the 11th and the 12th centuries are building 1 (site 1) and pit 1 (site 4). Structures of the 12th and 13th centuries are pit 2 (site 1) and oven 1 (site 4); of the second half of the 13th—14th centuries are building 1 (site "W"), building 1, pit 2 (site 4). Finally, dated by the 17th— 19th centuries are building 2, burials 1, 2 (site 1) and burials 1—19 (site 4). The cultural layers and objects exclusively of Kyiv Rus time were found on the territory of suburbs (pottery furnaces 1 and 2 in a trench at the south of the hillfort; burials 1—3 in trenches on the territory of the Doroshenko estate). In general, the obtained results confirm and at some moments substantially detail our knowledge on the historical development of the city during the Middle Ages and Modern times.ukВишгородгородищепосадРусьзолотоординська добаНовий часматеріальна культурастаттяVyshgorodhillfortsuburbsKyiv RusGolden Horde periodModern timesmaterial cultureДослідження Вишгорода у 1936 р.Excavation in Vyshgorod in 1936Article