Карачевцева, Лариса2019-02-222019-02-222015Карачевцева Л. [Рецензія: Leah Hochman. The Ugliness of Moses Mendelssohn. Aesthetics, Religion, and Morality in the Eighteenth Century. London: Routledge, 2014. 210 p.] / Лариса Карачевцева // Judaica Ukrainica : Annual Journal of Jewish Studies. - 2015. - Vol. 4. - P. 170-176.2305-40342305-5278https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15199Рецензія на монографію: "Leah Hochman. The Ugliness of Moses Mendelssohn. Aesthetics, Religion, and Morality in the Eighteenth Century".ukМозес МендельсонжиттєписестетикафілософіяюдаїкарецензіяLeah Hochman. The Ugliness of Moses Mendelssohn. Aesthetics, Religion, and Morality in the Eighteenth Century. London: Routledge, 2014 : [рецензія] Other