Тома, Наталія2017-06-012017-06-012017Тома Н. М. Особливості суспільної лексики в мові творів Петра Могили / Тома Н. М. // Магістеріум. - 2017. - Вип. 66 : Мовознавчі студії. - С. 77-81.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11504Статтю присвячено аналізу абстрактних лексем на позначення людських стосунків у межах лексико-семантичної групи "Суспільне життя" у мові творів Петра Могили. Здійснено порівняльний аналіз вживання лексем у творах Петра Могили та в сучасній мові.The article studies the abstract lexemes which denote social human relations and are the most used in the language creation of Petro Mohyla. The semantics of abstract lexemes is explored; рeculiarities of their lexical and semantic differentiation are clarified. The author analyzes the meaning of these lexemes at the time of Petro Mohyla and nowadays. The abstract vocabulary to describe human relations in lexical-semantic group "Social Life" combines nouns that indicate the coexistence of people, their relations, norms of behavior in society, positive or negative attitudes of some people to others, to their community and to the socio-political system. The social vocabulary forms the most dynamic lexical-semantic group, which responds to the social, political and economic changes in society faster and more noticeably than other branches of vocabulary. During some periods, in historically short spans of time, there are such changes in this branch of the vocabulary that are stretched for centuries in other lexical-semantic subsystems. But even during the periods of a relatively stable social life, the social and political vocabulary is constantly evolving and updating. The dependence of this vocabulary on nonlinguistic factors is its essential feature. Genetically and historically, the socio-political vocabulary of the Ukrainian language goes as far back as the age of Kyivan Rus; however, while evolving along with society, it is constantly changing, depending on the ideology of the society and the regime change. The lexical-semantic group "Social Life" in the analyzed works by Petro Mohyla form such lexemes: wealth, noble, power, victory, slavery, obedience, work, freedom, labour. Within the lexical-semantic group "Social Life", three micro-groups with dominant units are highlighted: 1) labour; 2) freedom; 3) power.ukПетро Могилаабстрактна лексикасуспільна лексикасемантикастароукраїнська мова першої половини XVII ст.Petro Mohylaabstract vocabularysocial vocabularysemanticsOld-Ukrainian language of the 1st half of the 17th centuryОсобливості суспільної лексики в мові творів Петра МогилиArticle