Олешко, Юлія2018-02-212018-02-212017Олешко Ю. Л. Гоноративність у передмовах до проповідницьких збірників А. Радивиловського / Юлія Олешко // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць / відп. ред. В. Ожоган ; Нац. ун-т "Києво-Могилянська академія". - Київ : Дух і Літера, 2017. - Вип. 3. - С. 94-104.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12638У статті розглянуто особливості реалізації мовленнєвої категорії гоноративності в передмовах до проповідницьких збірників А. Радивиловського - «Огородку Марії Богородиці» (1676) і «Вінці Христовому» (1688), зокрема проаналізовано відмінність у вияві гоноративності до різних адресатів: Господа, Богородиці, читача та царських осіб.Social relationships between the interlocutors are determined by two main factors - distance and status - and vary according to different degrees of distraction/intimacy and symmetry/asymmetry. The agreement on the social distance and hierarchy is embodied in the category of honorifics, which is an indicator of the culture of behavior. Thus, honorifics is a verbalized respect, etiquette that meets the established rules of dialogue. Purpose. The verbalization of politeness in the Ukrainian Baroque texts has been studied partially; therefore, the purpose of this article is to reveal the specific features of honorifics in the prefaces to the collections of sermons by A. Radyvylovskyi. Methods. A focus on successful communication manifests the pragmatic nature of the category of honorifics. Each utterance is contextually dependent, since it could not be considered out of context to define whether it is (im)polite, socially admissible, and situationally relevant. In this regard, the study of honorifics requires the use of the discursive method, which has been applied to analyze the verbalized politeness in particular. Discussion. The tradition of including prefaces to the printed books results from the author’s wish to present his work to his readers. In the case of A. Radyvylovskyi’s sermons, their audience comprised parishioners, archimandrite, the royal family, as well as Christ and Mary Virgin who appear to quasi-addressees due to their incorporeality. The preacher appeals to these recipients by using deferential language in order to follow social etiquette and achieve his communicative aims. Results. Prefaces to the old-printed collections of sermons represent a dialogic discourse, which involves communication according to the defined social roles. In the prefaces, respect is expressed not only through honorific, depreciative, and neutral appeals and titles but also through the ways of constructing discourse, making requests, asking for forgiveness, expressing gratitude, making compliments, being flexible and discreet, which is provided by a range of linguistic means, including the choice of the language code. Such conclusions open the broad perspective of the analysis of honorifics in other types of discourse and the diachronic study of honorifics in the Ukrainian literary language.ukгоноративністьпередмоваА. Радивиловськийстароукраїнська літературна мова XVII ст.honorificsprefaceA. RadyvylovskyiOld Ukrainian literary language of 17th centuryГоноративність у передмовах до проповідницьких збірників А. РадивиловськогоHonorifics in the prefaces to the collections of sermons by A. RadyvylovskyiArticle