Отрощенко, Віталій2020-08-032020-08-032019Отрощенко В. В. Професор Олександр Кошко в контексті археології України: погляд із Києва / Віталій В. Отрощенко // Vir Bimaris : od kujawskiego matecznika do stepów nadczarnomorskich : studia z dziejów międzymorza bałtycko-pontyjskiego ofiarowane Profesorowi Aleksandrowi Kośko / pod red. Marzeny Szmyt [et al.] ; Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. - Poznań : [Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu], 2019. - S. 771-774.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17757The article is devoted to the implementation, chiefly owing to the efforts of Aleksander Kośko, of the ambitious "Baltic-Pontic Studies" project, following from the cooperation agreement between the Institute of Archaeology, Ukrainian NAS in Kyiv and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Twenty-six fruitful years have brought the level of cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian archaeologists to new heights. The project has produced 33 volumes in the "Baltic-Pontic Studies" and Archaeologia Bimaris series, and seen joint excavations and scholarly conferences devoted to current questions of the archaeology and prehistory of lands between the Baltic and Black seas. Importantly, over the years the project has helped to broaden the professional skills of archaeologists from both countries.ukAdam Mickiewicz UniversityUkrainian NAS Institute of Archaeology"Baltic-Pontic Studies"Archaeologia Bimaris joint excavationsscholarly symposiaformation of schools of archaeologyarticleПрофесор Олександр Кошко в контексті археології України: погляд із КиєваArticle