Buiskykh, Alla2025-02-062025-02-062024Buiskykh A. V. Building Activity in Olbia in the Late Roman Time / Alla Buiskykh // Archaeologia Polona. - 2024. - Vol. 62. - P. 185-205. - https://doi.org/10.23858/APa62.2024.35752719-6542https://doi.org/10.23858/APa62.2024.3575https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33490This paper is devoted to the publication of two newly excavated building structures consisting of underground and ground constructions that are attributed to the latest period of Olbia’s existence. Archaeological artefacts found inside them are presented, including trading amphoras and ceramic pottery that are diagnostic for the final stage of the Cherniakhiv culture dating the last third of the 4th – the first quarter of 5th century AD. Separate attention is paid to a speculative idea about the fortified city, settled by Goths on the territory of the former Roman fortress of Olbia. The results of the recent archaeological excavations give the possibility of refuting this idea. The urban structure of the latest period, its status, and its spatial development are not yet clear and must be studied in depth.enOlbialate Roman periodbuildingdwellingCherniakhiv culturearticleBuilding Activity in Olbia in the Late Roman TimeArticle