Fedoriv, YaroslavaFinogina, TetianaPirozhenko, IrynaShuhai, Alla2024-09-132024-09-132023The rhetoric of resilience in Ukrainian academia / Fedoriv Yaroslava Romanivna, Finogina Tetiana Stepanivna, Pirozhenko Iryna Dmytrivna, Shuhai Alla Yuriivna // Science and innovation of modern world : proceedings of IX International Scientific and Practical Conference London, United Kingdom, 18-20 May 2023 / editor Komarytskyy M. L. - London : Cognum Publishing House, 2023. - P. 272-281.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31547This paper examines how the language of resilience promotes learner motivation during crises, like pandemics or armed conflicts. Specifically, during quarantine or wartime, utilising the language of resilience in education proves quite effective. Related communicative strategies include highlighting education's importance, fostering perseverance, cultivating a growth mindset, celebrating small accomplishments, and providing support. Stylistic devices like metaphor, repetition, anaphora, and parallelism enhance the message. By applying these tools in academic discourse and crafting persuasive messages, educators can inspire learners to overcome adversity, maintain motivation, and develop the resilience needed to face challenges.encommunicative situationlanguagewar-related discourseresilienceacademic discoursestylistic devicesrhetoricethospathoslogosconference materialsThe rhetoric of resilience in Ukrainian academiaConference materials