Бондаревська, Ірина2020-10-022020-10-022019Бондаревська І. А. Істина і неконсеквентність: парадокс Лєшка Колаковського / Iryna Bondarevska // Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie. - 2019. - T. 6. - S. 52-66.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18076Статтю присвячено концепту неконсеквентності у працях Лєшка Колаковського.In the philosophical works of Kolakowski, the concept of inconsistency is a guideline that moves the subject closer to truth. Truth disappears when consistency prevails, that is a logic, a method, a tradition of thinking. And there is no need to reject the sequence in general, as there is no need to follow it. But there is a confl ict between Kolakowski as the Th inker and Kolakowski as the Human Being. The fi rst one tries to fi nd the best way to describe the world with concepts, the second one wants to gain a comfortable existence in the world. The fi rst needs doubt, the second wants to feel certainty. Th e philosopher as the Human Being wants to have a fi rm belief in those things the Th inker can only be hopeful of. The purpose of the article is to show how the Human Being and the Th inker compete in Kolakowski’s works, as their understanding of truth and the ways to it are different. Kolakowski’s paradox is that the inconsistency of the mind should advance us towards the truth, but it reinforces doubts whether truth is possible in general. If you replace the inconsistency with faith, the prospect becomes even foggier. Consequently, the author concludes that Kolakowski stayed in the state of uncertainty regarding how to solve the confl ict. Th eoretically, he prescribes the need for faith but does not explain how to practically combine faith and doubt in one head. The Thinker often wins with the Human Being and then retreats and comes back again. The Thinker and the Human Being are not an identical opposition to rational and irrational. It is a conflict which concerns the two subject guidelines: will to know and will to exist.ukправданеконсеквентністьЛешек КолаковськийстаттяtruthinconsistencyLeszek Kolakowskiepistemologycertainty of existencethinker and human beingІстина і неконсеквентність: парадокс Лєшка КолаковськогоTruth and Inconsistency: Leszek Kolakowski’s DilemmaArticle